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Styrene monomer or ethenylbenzene, vinylbenzene and phenylethene is a colorless liquid that has a pleasant and sweet smell. This oil solution has a melting point of -30 ° C and a boiling point of 146 ° C. Naturally found in cinnamon, coffee beans, peanuts, and coal tar. Styrene monomer is an organic compound with the chemical formula C8H8, which is industrially produced from the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene. It is mainly prone to the polymerization process (the process by which a single molecule becomes a large, multiple molecule by binding to other molecules). Styrene monomer is used in the production of polystyrene monomer, an important plastic used in the synthesis of resins. Styrene is a member of a group of chemical compounds widely classified as organic vinyl compounds (molecules with double bonds between carbon atoms). they take. Under chemical catalytic processes, the compounds of this substance dissolve and attach to the carbon atom of another styrene monomer molecule. These new connections produce polystyrene monomer in which thousands of carbon styrene atoms are bonded together.