What is corrugated polycarbonate rubber tape

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What is corrugated polycarbonate rubber tape

What is polycarbonate rubber tape or Filler Block? Economic and special mechanical properties and flexibility, light weight, high safety and easy installation are used in roof and side cover of various buildings such as shed roof sheds, pool roofs, greenhouses and parking roofs. But one of the important points Which should always be considered is the correct and principled installation of this product. Polycarbonate rubber strip (Filler Block) is one of the most important materials needed to install polycarbonate sheets. It is necessary to place block filler strips between perlin and polycarbonate sheets (under polycarbonate sheets) and not using these strips causes disadvantages and many problems during operation, the most important of which can be: The following pointed out:

1 - Rise (curvature) of polycarbonate sheets 2 - Concentration of stress at the joint (screws) 3 - Reduction of useful life of polycarbonate sheets 4 - Reduction of gravity load (live load, snow load, ,,,) Filler block strips are produced due to the lack of size restrictions.

Filler blocks are produced from a special type of rubber foam under the EVA brand with the following technical and laboratory specifications: Density: 110 ± 20 (kg / m3) Tensile strength: 0.15 ± 0.75 (Newton per square millimeter) Stretching: 20 درصد 150 (percent) Compressive strength: 175 25 25 (kg) Thermal conductivity: W / mk 0.0035 (W / m Kelvin) Operating temperature: 100-80 ° C Water absorption: 0.8 (%) Lifespan: 100 (years)

Other features of this equipment The following can be mentioned: Easy and fast installation No water absorption Long life Light weight Wear weight Suitable for all water conditions And air has economic justification

Filler Blocks have been introduced with different names, including: closer strips, polycarbonate sheet gap filler, polycarbonate supplement, etc ...

** Note: It should be mentioned that referring to the patent certificate of this product No. 89527 and also considering the patent law, the company has the exclusive rights of production, distribution, export And import in this product and any activity in Iran in this regard that is done by persons other than the owner, in accordance with Article 61 of the Patent Law is a violation of the rights of the owner and is considered a crime and the offender to pay a fine and imprisonment Will be convicted.

Factory: Karaj - Mallard Road - Hafez St. - No. 4 Sales Office: Tehran - Farmanieh - M Yadan Neda - No. 10 24-hour response: 371 (At the bottom of the ad)

Contact Info: Kajeh Mana Foam
Companyفوم کاژه مانا
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Addressتهران- فرمانیه- میدان ندا- پلاک 10- طبقه دوم
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