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Package for a special sports club for traffic control

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Package for a special sports club for traffic control

Management system, sports club صائلا P1

Entry and exit of members of the club, your smart manage. The contents of this package include: 1-Gate, bars, Saela T102 2-software "system for credit ایماریا" 3-The code card (encoder) Saela E400 4-one PCs, smart card, MIFARE

Is that with the use of the hardware and software contained in this package, you can: 1 - for the members of the club records sports make. 2 - for members of the club, the smart card is issued. 3 - for the members time interval (days and hours) defined in the membership card, smart member register. 4 - shift, ladies and gentlemen, for completely separate management. 5 - for the members, guests, cards, guests, define and validate it on the smart card register. 6 - use financial reporting software ایماریا turnover(the cost of issuing the card, the right to Membership, extension of credit, and ....) Manage your. 7 - and ....

Performance summary package صائلا for club management:

For this purpose, a routine, a gym that package Saela P1, because the installation is effortless to consider: A-a person who intend to join the club is to the management or the operator of the club visit. B-The operator member information in the software ایماریا enter? credit monthly, and time (days and hours) allowed the entry member to the club identified by the device code, supplier Saela E400 for him, a smart card is issued. Tip: when issuing the smart card, while the registration cost of card issuance and the cost of tuition monthly in Part A financial management application and the database, a receipt print as a receipt the amount of the payment by the software offered. C-gate T102 installed at the entrance to the club is equipped with 'smart can be so that the people after the membership in the club, منبعد to enter, you must your card on the' gate T102 put, and if that card has the credit has been in the time allowed enter. gate open and allow entry of the person into the club will make. Otherwise the gate with the error and alarms, prevents the entry of the person to the club. D-in the event that the Director of the club, the process of issuing cards, extend credit ... to the employee or the operator has entrusted. can through the options of financial reports in the application menu ایماریا, etc. all transactions are taken to the breakdown of days, weeks, and months, and also to the breakdown of the different operators, view all items, print preparation. E-also, the operator can be for the guests attending the membership card of the type of cordless define and assign the sum as the card balance can be the number of times the entry limit. Note: in this mode, should the amount of a deduction, credit in any transaction by the gate for the card, and cordless through the configuration of the gate and by USB cable or card set, the gate will be applied to.

But the functionality of this package, in addition to the above limited not crafted and can be shift work is also defined. Usually, sports clubs, time your morning to the ladies allocated for this is also a person, operator or employee hiring. Because of the lack of focus directly on the shift. the correctness of transactions, registration of accurate information for members and ... in shifts mentioned one of the main concerns of the management of the club. For this purpose, using the capabilities of the software ایماریا in package P1, can be card, Membership, smart for shift morning shift evening for dist ...

Contact Info: صائلا
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Addressتهران، خیابان قائم مقام فراهانی - جنب تهران كلینیك - كوچه آزادگان - ( پ 27 قدیم) 25 جدید - ط 4- واحد 20
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