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Manufacturing company products concrete savage mosaic with the aim to supply diverse products with high quality concrete and a referendum in the province of Alborz (Iran) in the year 1381 was established, and with continuous efforts and use the experiences of experts, domestic and foreign with the advanced machines equipped with quality control laboratory and salon steam and experienced staff to one of the largest manufacturer of the products concrete Converter. Savage mosaic now after years of research and innovation, with the technology to manufacture concrete products in the building industry was. With the goal of extending and expanding the use of new products in the building industry costing کمترونیز superior quality compared to the materials available in the market, attempting to export and deliver the products to all over the country). Wash the concrete the same concrete washed the flooring, landscaping – Park – Garden – pavement-yard-ramps, and ... used. Wash concrete is one of concrete flooring is that concrete that the combination of aggregate, colored and natural, adhesive, concrete, stone powder, etc., fibers, and other additives, concrete, cloud, lubricant, neutral poly کربوکسیلاتی concrete in a variety of designs, color, the role and different dimensions can be manufactured. All products of this company is 1. and hence اشرکت all their products with a 10 year warranty offers. 1-mosaic wash concrete in different dimensions of pipelines, concrete چراغدار3-flooring, concrete, and پرسی4 – دوردرختی5 - Stepping 6 – Table 7 – NEMA 8 – mosaic shows 9 – mosaic Percy 10 – South water 11 – plan feet 12 – all types of flooring, puzzle 13 – kinds of Mosaic, پلیمیری and many other... Flooring concrete Flooring is concrete manufactured to this method, the resistance is very high against the cycles of glacial and standards mechanical are . Mosaic The mosaic floor of the waiver is dense, in fact, a kind of concrete is its density, or push through a referendum or through the vibration you have achieved and of sand, cement, stone aggregate, stone powder and water in the proportions and layout of the various depression. Wash concrete Wash concrete or mosaic washed one of the types of concrete flooring. the combination of cement, sand, stone, mineral, etc., glue, concrete, and lubricating materials, concrete in varied colors produced. Artificial stone The materials used in these stones all information on considerations for environmental and human. Pigments, iron oxide, etc. the desired color to the rocks. The combination, which in this way obtained in the form prior to casting, the role for natural stone are the rocks, etc. سیمائی quite natural. Table decorative Tables, decorative in-mold designs, beautiful and pleasant Concrete table Tables, concrete is one of the most widely used pieces of concrete in the matter of Urban Development .From the tables of the concrete, usually as a separator between the two different environments are used, and most of their application in the field of landscaping. Sale mosaic | mosaic Percy | mosaic wash concrete, mosaic, 40×40 | the mosaic pavement | mosaic puzzle prices | wash concrete | wash concrete | wash concrete antique | wash concrete machine | wash بتن40×40 | pipelines, concrete, 60 x 30 | paver concrete | paver concrete pavement | flooring, polymer | flooring cement | flooring, yard, and landscaping | flooring, wash concrete | flooring the villa. Savage mosaic(savojmosaic) the production and sale of a variety of Mosaic Percy (granite, etc. simple, shows, etc. strawberries)
Company | شرکت ساوج موزاییک |
Tel | +98 -0×××2204268 |
Mobile | +98 912×××4268 |
Website | |
Country | Iran |
Province | Alborz |
Address | هشتگرد جاده قاسم آباد شهرگ فیروز آباد |