Specification of رایانیک

  • Verified User
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities : producer
  • Place: Province Tehran
  • In the field of: Computer, laptop and hardware
  • Company Type: Private
  • View: 1274
Company Description
About یوسنسی
icon in the world of Commerce today, the old method for the introduction of products and services to the customer attractiveness of a large did not create and cause a lasting in the mind of the customer is not.We utilizes the newest technology in the world, the eyes of the audience, your deductions and your products and services as a modern cheapness was to business, face a new gift.

تیم colleagues, and researchers knowledge-based company sepehr نوآفرینی رایانیک (pjs) brand یوسنسی values and the needs of businesses to identify and provide solutions for creative, action oriented, technology, modern, innovation, artistic, interwoven, Business, Client, distinctive, and against هماوردانش value creation have more on the other hand, for the audience is also pleasant more.

استفاده of product touch and interaction-oriented in the business, the brands strength that its audience from the user experience all-round and attractive to benefit the cholera, the level of unique and non-expected from the provision of services, the problems that led to the creation of competitive advantage lasting for the businesses will be.

سرعت and accuracy in providing service and customer satisfaction except the main goals of the company. After-sales services, the company نیزبا motivation of creating peace of mind to customers for the purchase of products and services, the company, in an effort endlessly.
ازدیگر points distinguishing This Set, unit of research and development is motivated by the forces prone to and interested with the activities, a continuous and purposeful use for providing the best service and top technology in the world is ready to serve.

به in order to provide the best service to the users of the products رایانیک., the team of top researchers in the research and Development Department, are trying شباه the day!

ارزش, یوسنسی
ما believe that our customer deserve a particular attention is so our we with He is worthy, and professional dealing, we.

ما to value creation with innovative and artistic, surely ...
Hardware products\r\nمیز multi-touch screen\r\nاستند multi-touch screen\r\nفرش smart\r\nنمایشگر touch the wall\r\n\r\n\r\nمحصولات software\r\nنرم software, restaurant\r\nنرم software carpet smart

Contact information
Nameاحمد پوررضا usensi
Mobile+98 915×××6133callMake Call
AddressMashhad branch ۱(central):veteran ۵/۱ complex, Pearl, floor ۱۴ unit ۶ office, Mashhad branch ۲:science and Technology Park, building ICT
More than 11 years of companionship
More than 8 years of companionship
More than 8 years of companionship
More than 3 years of companionship
More than 4 years of companionship
More than 2 years of companionship
More than 2 years of companionship
More than 3 years of companionship