Design, planning, production, development, marketing, global and massive collection we're giving back includes systems for stock intensive, Intelligent Systems, Filling Machine, semi-automatic and full automatic, etc. systems, pallet, ship compactors (systems and unloading of the ship, the systems of transportation. systems, loading and unloading, Robotics, and also the supply of all goods and technical machinery needed from Germany, all part of the company's activities in different industries such as the oil and gas industries, petrochemical industries, pharmaceutical, medical, food industry, etc. steel, shipbuilding industries, automotive and chemical industry, etc. Companies, cement and minerals. thermal power station, and other similar industries.
Systems, stock intensive, Intelligent Systems, Filling Machine, semi-automatic and full automatic, etc. systems, pallet, ship compactors (systems and unloading of the ship, the systems of transportation. systems, loading and unloading, Robotics, and also the supply of all goods and technical machinery needed from Germany