.All kinds of sandwich panels roof. wall and coldroom-acoustic and thermal insulation (for covering the silos of the factory, cold storage, gyms, pools, a collection of red, blue, and recreation centers, etc.)\\\\ r\\\\n2.Cold, fixed and movable, clean room(clean room), etc. structures. a variety of container and prefabricated houses with a user-custom client(workshop, etc. welfare, etc., security, service, health, etc.)\\\\ r\\\\n3.A variety of rooms, cargo rooms, isolated rooms, refrigerator(for the truck, and the Ministry's website)\\\\ r\\\\n4.Types of boilers, steam and Spa, and. اتوکلاوهای industrial equipment pools filters include sandy, previous subsequent time. موگیر وسختی traffic signs
مخازن expansion, etc. coil, condensate, etc. بلودان, etc., compressed air and save fuel (by standard plaque Iran-inspection quality ISO and tagged energy Class A)\\\\ r\\\\n5.Installations heating and cooling consists of:radiators and heater and ...\\\\ r\\\\n6.Water treatment systems and industrial wastewater(technical and engineering services in the field of water includes system ROبیوراکتور membrane, etc. disinfection, UV, etc., chlorine, and ozone,)
Sandwich panel\\\\r\\\\nکانکس \\\\r\\\\nسردخانه\\\\r\\\\nدیگ steam\\\\r\\\\nدیگ spa