Group farakaranet full name company engineers farakaranet year, ۱۳۷۷ their activity specialized in the field of Information Technology started. Group farakaranet with the goal of providing unique services in the communication of users with the internet, products such as card, Internet phone cards فرافون, etc. cards اینترفون straddle for the first time in Iran, was released in the year ۱۳۷۸بدلیل need certain users, the first center specialized site design created.
In order to provide the specialized services IT then farakaranet to set up services round off Iran and to round off Canada, as well as the production of software, web and portal enterprise. From the beginning the way, the diversity of products and services. supply the correct and respectful to customers, fara Kara net as one of the most popular Internet services in the sight of the users.
One of the features of IT services, diversity and professionalism, it is, therefore, farakaranet action to separate storage units, shopping, design, website production, education, training, support. This action group farakaranet caused to customers and sales representatives products and services from production to training and support, specialized provide to clients.
The design of the site