All Azarakhsh Kavir sell and buy offers

  • Orange salt rock

    Azarakhsh Kavir Company is a supplier of orange, red and pink Himalayan salt rock. A one-ton bag is offered. In addition, these salts are produced in sub-and-a-half-kilogram and one-kilogram salt packages for export and home consumption. Benefits of pink salt: Treatment of hypothyroidism, anemia and iron deficiency, prevention of osteoporosis , Regulation of hormone levels, asthma and lung problems, strengthening the nervous system, hair loss, digestive problems, muscle cramps, bloating and heartburn and migraines Drift office address: Garmsar, Shahid Gholami St., Alborz Commercial Complex, 2n ...

  • Salt tablets A new product of salt

    Salt tablets are different products in salt products. Salt tablets to harden the facilities of factories and hospitals across the country, which makes the facilities work better and prevents excessive wear of parts. Uses of salt tablets: 1. For water hardening filters 2. Hospital dialysis machine 3. It is also used for cooking rice Salt tablets made from powdered salt Refined and produced with food quality and purity of at least 99.5%. Salt tablets with advanced and modern technology are specially designed to reduce the hardness of water treatment. Salt tablets with It is made of convex ...

  • Bath salt or Epsom salt

    Bath salt or a container full of diamonds ?? !! Do you want to know what bath salt is and what are its properties ?? Bath salt or Epsom salt Salted mineral salts \ "Sulfate Magnesium has healing properties. I want to introduce you to the most important properties of bath salt: ???? Relaxant ???? Detoxifier ??? ? Enzyme function enhancer ???? Eliminates skin sensitivity and inflammation ???? Peeler and scrub In four scents: pine, lavender, lemon, aloe vera Now How to use bath salt? We will introduce you to two popular and effective methods 1.First, pour some salt in a tub of lukewarm wate ...

  • Blue salt in the form of crystals and granulation

    Blue salt is one of the rarest and oldest salts in the world in terms of formation time. The reason for the blue color in this salt is the presence of potassium and magnesium, and this salt has natural iodine. Blue salt is a type of salt therapy and is the best salt for people with high blood pressure and heart problems, as well as for the treatment of osteoporosis, depression and kidney failure, because this salt, unlike chemical salts, lowers blood pressure. Blue salt is very famous in the world for its unique taste, color, appearance and healing properties. Due to its scarcity and very diff ...

  • Premium white rock salt

    Hardening salt for resin reduction in bulk and cut is sold in 20-25-30-40-50 kg bags or in one-ton side bags. White salt rock is used for this purpose. The salt rock in Azarakhsh Kavir Garmsar salt is offered with 99.5% purity. Azarakhsh Kavir Garmsar salt company is a supplier of various types of premium salt, ice, livestock salt, export salt, medical rock, salt rock for hardening , Orange and red rock salt with the highest purity is the best salt mine in Garmsar. Sales office address: Garmsar, Shahid Gholami St., Alborz Commercial Complex, 2nd floor, unit 1

  • Sugar salt (animal and poultry feed)

    The size of this type of salt is between 1 to 2 mm (mesh 110). This type of salt is called sugar salt because of its resemblance to sugar grains. This salt ratio Shell salts are coarse and the possibility of clumping is low, so this salt is also used in industry. Sugar salt is very popular in the industry among many guilds, especially the drilling and tanning industries. , Textile, chemical and even food industries are used. Sales office address: Garmsa, Shahid Gholami St., Alborz Commercial Complex, 2nd floor, unit 1

  • Heart of salt or crystalline salt of Azarakhsh Kavir

    Heart of salt is the same pure nacl that has no other elements. The heart of salt is the true and pure taste of salt. The heart of salt is salt without iodine and without any other substances. It is only sodium chloride and its nature is very hot and dry. Who should use salt heart? 1. Those on a ketogenic diet 2.Those who have had thyroid surgery 3. People with hyperthyroidism 4. People who have migraine pain 5. Those who have a phlegmatic temperament 6. Some people have joint pain and indigestion You can get this type of salt in Azarakhsh Kavir Garmsar Salt Company. Sales office address: Garm ...

  • Oyster salt 130 or salt shaker

    ???? Oyster salt 130 ???? All mountain salts are divided into different sizes after crushing and separation by sieve separator. Salt is divided into different sizes. Called granulation. Oyster salt is a size of 130 salt's salt, which is why profiteers sell this industrial salt by adding iodine as edible salt. Azarakhsh Kavir Salt Company Gramsar supplies various types of industrial salts in different granulations. Granulated salts in the sizes of fishery, sugar, oyster 120, oyster 130, mill salt, powder salt (soft salt), cyclone powder are sold in 20-25-30-40-50 bags and 1 ton big bag bags. . ...

  • Powdered or industrial soft salt

    Powdered salt is the smallest size of salt in the salt industry. Salt that passes through the bottom or bottom sieve is called soft or powdered salt. The size of powdered salt is 0 to 0.8 mm. Powdered salt is also called soft or sub-salty salt. Powder salt absorbs more moisture than other industrial salts. Therefore, more than other salts, it experiences the process of clumping. Powder salt has received more attention in Afghanistan This type of salt is different from nut salt. And it has a lower price than other salts. Contact us for more information. Sales office address: Garmsar, Shahid Gho ...

  • Himalayan pink granulated salt

    Azarakhsh Kavir Company is a supplier of orange, red and pink Himalayan salt stones. This salt is considered by everyone today, especially for export to India, either in bulk or in bag packages. Janbo and Big Bag are offered in one ton. In addition, these salts are produced in sub-half and one-kilogram and one-kilogram packages of salt for export and home consumption. Benefits of pink salt: Treatment of hypothyroidism, anemia and iron deficiency, prevention of osteoporosis , Regulation of hormone levels, asthma and lung problems, strengthening the nervous system, hair loss, digestive problems, ...

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