The stable Fidar Sepenta elevator and escalator company, relying on God and with the brilliant history and experience of its technical staff, with the aim of providing leading elevators in this industry and innovative solutions, provides the following technical services: consulting, design, installation and commissioning of all types of elevators traction (gearbox, gearless, roomless) and hydraulic elevators (home lift, car lift, food lift, etc.) consulting, design, installation and operation of all types of traction and hydraulic lifts (in various models and weights, anti-fall-parachute, with cabin, floor, wheelchair lift, etc.) service and maintenance of elevator, service and maintenance of escalators, providing services and technical repairs of elevators, escalators and elevators. And it has the necessary documents to provide the above services with the best quality and the most suitable price. It is possible to visit elevator sales projects and under service by respected employers (in different areas of Tehran).
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