Specification of Arsham

  • Verified User
  • Company registration date: 2016-03-20
  • Number of staff: 11-20 Person
  • Company activities : Service company
  • Place: Province Hormozgan
  • In the field of: Internal transport
  • Company Type: Private
  • View: 587
Company Description
Arsham Trabar Bandar Abbas Company (Private Joint Stock Company) is proud to provide domestic transportation services. Arsham Trabar in the field of transportation projects of basic goods, public goods; Commercial and petrochemical products and steel industries are active in experienced and experienced staff road methods.
One of the main missions of this company is to create security for all stakeholders, especially valued customers, who will provide reliable and timely transportation services.
Relying on the important principles of adherence to quality, productivity, reliability, flexibility, speed of work and use of modern technology and free advice on transportation and logistics services, are among the capabilities of this company.

This company
_ Equipped with integrated information systems (ERP) and the possibility of intercepting goods
_ Equipped with the largest warehouse for storage and strip of goods at the nearest point to the customs and Shahid Rajaei port of Bandar Abbas
Office: Bandar Abbas Public Terminal Bar Booth 24/4
City Office: Bandar Abbas Arsham 2 Memorial Square Phone
Tel: 91310913 - 076
Fax: 32589575– 076 " 0102030405 "Transportation" 0102030405 "Transportation" 0102030405 Bandar Abbas. General booth load terminal 24/4
Contact information
Nameمجتبی میرزایی
Tel+98 76-9×××0913callMake Call
Mobile+98 917×××0710callMake Call
Addressبندرعباس . پایانه عمومی بار غرفه 24/4
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