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Store hours ایراتک
New series hours, Benz CHRONOGRAPH simultaneously with the exhibition diving in Germany, the exponential conference. This category is among the first group of three hundred yards, depth gauge, and has over twenty models porn now Iranian officials are. ساعت diving کرونوگراف casual gauge Benz 300 yards: continuing the tradition of production hours, depth gauge, Analog, etc., a new generation with a performance complex was designed, it can improve the logical clock, is a classic on the world. قرار the sensor depth gauge in the following hours the possibility of use in polluted environment, and high pressure, such as the work that the divers industrial are doing your provides. The use of the materials radiant for hours, Benz, go clockwise, and all the markers along with the shine long and feather light, take advantage of this hour in the night and the environment, very low light one of the specialties of this minutes puts.. طراحی quite a sport, its daily use during all sports, and even underwater provides. بهترین your partner at any time. ساعت, کرونوگراف 300 yards: فولاد, stainless steel, marine, door screw شماره Serial special carved behind the door, عمق gauge, Analog display up to 50 meters ثبت the maximum depth of diving, نمایش depth in the process of diving for every 10 cm امکان set the alarm for maximum depth of سیستم for Benz, for display in the night زنگ alert when climbing fast دارای calendar ونشانگر evening colors سیستم precise quartz movement high quality ضد water to a depth of 300 meters (30 bar) شیشه crystal of Ruby with the grid 10 ناب, timer, circulating one-sided to the diameter of 44 cm بند rubber resistant and durable تک color and in two models with a stainless steel strap, and rubber, قطر lean gauge (frame بزل): 44 mm ارتفاع: 15.2 mm عرض strap hours: 22 mm وزن (no strap hours): 105 g This model single color has been along with lean, timer, Black are graded by both gon with color screen AND with a stainless steel strap, black rubber or offered. ضد hit and is waterproof up to 300 meters. قیمت with stainless steel strap: 2,250,000 USD فروشگاه hours ایراتک (presenting different brand specific hours of the world) نماینده exclusive sport watches, military, Chris Benz, Germany بزرگترین Online Store hours, water sports and scuba diving in Iran exclusive representative of hours, diving, Benz, Germany, collectible, new, and unmatched of hours anti-impact and waterproof to a depth of 2000 yards with two year warranty and after-sales service to serve esteemed clients and chic fashionistas. ارایه the Best sport watches with design, engineering, and construction Switzerland. The best after-sales service. گارانتیمحصولات کلیه hours, Benz, Germany, sold all over Iran, including a two-year warranty along with the warranty, the official international code imprinted on the back of the door hours. به in addition, the company ایراتک after-sale service, the hours have to face a lifetime guarantee. خرید of ایراتک get the best services after sales that had the experience have for you brings. ساعت, کرونوگراف 300 متری http://iratechwatch.ir https://instagram.com/iratechwatch https://telegram.me/iratechwatch تلفن contact: 22500904 - 021