Company nectar, sesame fruition
Halva ardeh traditional single 50g, etc. halva ardeh traditional single 60گرمی, etc. halva ardeh single 100 Grammy., the ardeh berries come in. ardeh, honey, come on. ardeh, dates, single, etc. ardeh single علامت the commercialization of these products, \"پــــــرســـیـــــکـــــا\".
Now a pleasant taste ادیش
Manufacturer of sandwich breakfast at flavors for the first time in Iran suitable for ومناسبتها وارگانها وسازمانها ومجالس and the schools, conferences, and.....
Knowledge base \ \ ✅ Telephone support with Hello:\ \ 025-31075 \ 025-91003175\ \ \ \ Saturday to Wednesday hours (8 to 22) and Thursday (9 to 21) \ \ \ ✅ Online support: \
Spreading delicious samosas
Crispy and delicious samosa\r\n❌✖❌✖❌✖\r\nJust try our samosas once.\r\nWith fragrant vegetables and special sauce\r\n❌✖❌✖❌✖\r\nAccepting orders :\r\n✔parties\r\n✔birthdays\r\n✔schools\r\n✔stalls\r\n✔sandwiches\r\nand... \r\n\r\n⭐ Pizza samosa\r\n⭐Potato samosa\r\n⭐Bomb samosa\r\n⭐Lebanese samosa\r\nAnd... \r\n\r\n???????????? To order, call 09330343096.\r\n ❌ Shipping all over Tehran✖
Tablecloths, Gilan
Tablecloths, Gilan preparation of homemade food is that with the use of rice and meat, and also دستپخت ladies Gilani, can be prepared
Company competent seal afferent
A variety of manufacturer of prepared vegetables, cook as frozen and packaged for the first time in the province
Printing company وبسته categories of mahneshan
Specialized production all kinds of box وکارتن for carrying food
Company cooking
Send out the product requested free of charge ساعت24 after the call, you 09386535802
Company supplying food, the Four Seasons, I
The preparation of وطبخ food ready for parties and offices
Company نیوتاپ
Food industry; in the year 1391 in the field of production of chips, fruit, and dried vegetables for health and the combination of precision, industrial, and adhere and preserve the originality of the traditional in the land of lorestan the land of fields and gardens, hot lower the water in the direction of health promotion and food culture, the society began its work. Competitive quality and diversity products and reasonable price, This Set from the other competitors, their distinct individual, and the word, the sweet Word of Saadi (against him) that says \" musk, it is your ببوید nor the Apothecary say, \ " cornerstone marketing, we have the Mara in more ways and gain approval by other international accompaniment . is in this way support the people of our beloved is also our backup. registered trademark in the production and packaging of fruits and vegetables, Dry to number : 198115 دارنده certificate Apple health from the Ministry of health, treatment and medical education number : 1039-1/48 استفاده of vegetables grown with well water and organic production Use the fruit quality وسالم in the production of سبزیجات dried without the use of any preservatives - color developer - flavors قیمت quite competitive compared to the similar products تنوع more fruits compared to other similar products the true taste of dried fruit due to lack of use of flavors has a bar code, The National وجهانی for sale easy in the store has a barcode reader, دارای tag(VISUAL) video Introducing the contents of the package the direction of a greater respect to the consumer's Choice بسته categories varies with the capability of ordering comfortable in the shelves of the store and protection. in front of the pressure, displacement and sunlight
Company woodworking
Freezing and packaging of all vegetables for stew-his-salad-variety food during sex.
Company CORP
Canned fish ساپریم180گرمی With Door easy pop-up filled with fish Hoover yellowfin tuna with the best quality raw materials and are packed with methods in the world. تعداد in a pack of 24 cans, and consumer prices set forth on the product, 56000 rial. جهت price information and purchase orders and obtaining representation in the city with the following number to call. 09127023303-02133005391