Company initiative, we must be pious
Packing furniture and household items to transport to overseas relocation, domestic-air cargo and ferrite overload passenger -carrying appliances and furniture as a marine to Canada - Europe - Australia and Europe - customs formalities . Other services needed WWW.ETPCARGO.COM ROYAN@ETPCARGO.COM
Company agile times
Hereby, “the company transport international چالاک time” to the direction of the partnership is proud to announce the summary of the records and experiences, and your expertise is in the field of international transportation with کادری experienced, and it's applied and to enhance the quality, quantity, this industry activity has within him: 1) road transport: Carry کالاهای of imports and exports and the transit of export from the customs of the country to all European countries and countries of Central Asia and vice versa by کامیونهای یخچالدار clad and کفی covered directly and گروپاژ, and also carrying machinery; can نگله heavy and ترافیکی. 2) shipping marine: Carry کانتینری کالاهای imported and exported, and Transit from the Ports of the country to all parts of the world and vice versa, and with the possibility to share کانتینر in the place of loading and carrying in its interior to the port of departure and the formalities for customs in the port of the desired and the raw materials to the port of destination. 3) rail transport: Carry all کالاهای imported and exported, and transit, including machines from principles internal to all countries of Central Asia and vice versa by trains کفی بغلدار and roofed. 4) carrying material at: Having کامیونهای armed with تانکرهای for carrying material in Judea and Samaria, especially قیرجهت export to the countries of Central Asia and سایرکشورهای neighboring 5) transportation composite: Carry the same marine and terrestrial as well as air and rail, of goods from the Ports of the world Ports of destinations relevant. 6) providing services: Services for customs transit کالاو provide relevant information, housing, and unloading operations بارشماری in بنادرو loading and formalities for customs clearance of goods. 7) representation: Having only authorized representatives in اکثرکشورها and the Ports of the country. With regard to the content above, feel free specifications of goods and conditions to the address below, send him up as soon as receiving your reply here. In advance of the due regard you for. International shipping agile times Mohammad Kia - board
Company ارامکس
Company آرامکس a company carries a quick International is in all 240 countries of the world have offices and representation. خدمات the company: حمل fast air (external ) EXPRESS SERVICE-INTERNATIONAL icon of this type of service all controversies (documents, commercial samples, goods - small packages) from the location of the sender, delivery and taken in the shortest time possible in and outside of Iran will be delivered. Tariff آرامکس in proportion to the companies such as DHL, TNT, 15 to 30 percent less . به deployment of global network to the company, allows at all stages of the transfer and delivery of the controversies, etc. information in " network registration and for free at the discretion of the sender. همچنین customers can register with the site آرامکس of delivery of the export sent through SMS and Email, informed of the result. حمل air time CARGO SERVICE / DOOR TO DOOR-AIRPORT TO AIRPOR مشتریان respectable can for import export, heavy air your request to آرامکس stated also in the quickest time possible by آرامکس at the origin of the sender, and get to Iran. آرامکس can to every customer, on the other hand, gave his account number for the global offering. شرکت آرامکس on behalf of the companies هوایپیمایی can be the right service loads, light and heavy are instant, and with features and exceptional prices, at the disposal of our esteemed customers. همچنین آرامکس can all customs operations of goods, you and the documents you need with enjoying, the best and th most customs officers in Iran and destination do according to customer's request, export air and heavy weapons for cash or پسکرایه in the address of the recipient of delivery. حمل fast air (domestic) EXPRESS SERVICE-DOMESTIC icon of this type of service all controversies (documents, commercial samples, goods - small packages) or processing of cargoes from the place of sender, delivery and taken in the shortest possible time in Iran is delivered. آرامکس, the offices of official in the majority of cities of Iran and can export the submissions to the address of the recipient of delivery .In this service the possibility of پسکرایه also is possible . آرامکس services, particularly in load-carrying internal customers provide . For example, can approval qualifications academic that need to seal and conduct administrative affairs in public institutions, like University – Ministry of Science, payam Noor, and... in Tehran, there to do and then it's out of the country, submit a and or can be used as the representative of the client's documents because the government tenders from organisations relevant bought . مدت delivery time export submissions to Tehran and other cities : چنانچه cargo maximum hours 18 admission crafted, زمان delivery to the address of the recipient in Tehran next working day between the hours of 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., will be. آرامکس can be used by airlines, Iran air, and to the destination, any one of the airports cargo within the country, export customers to send. In this service, the amount of the bill of lading review and delivery times at the airport will be. فقط with a phone call, all the services آرامکس by company employees is done. Aramex International, Iran tel: +98 24 33331911 ext. 206,mobile: +98 910 9717851
Cooperative shipbuilding effort port
Cooperative ship building, trying port سازنده a variety of vessels, metal and fiberglass
Company سفیرآریا
Group Ambassador, aria utilizes expert personnel and a professional and relying on a deep knowledge of the Iranian market is capable of all the services the transport of goods as marine, air, road, transit, and also customs clearance of goods in accordance with the requirement of every customer to provide. ما to send your goods from اکثرنقاط the world to all parts of the country or other countries through the carriers directly or the Transit time of capacity full scale. Our main goal is send fast, secure and with reasonable price relationship long-term with clients is established and valid. لیلا of Nazareth, 02177606190
The Institute of Transportation worth
Shipping company worth equipped with a variety of trucks یخچالدار with cold heat and cold 30 in the world, above and below zero
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