Adak Aram Aria Shipping Company
Greetings and courtesy.\r\nRespectfully, Istihsand works with experienced and knowledgeable staff in land, sea and air logistics with suitable facilities in Iran and all over the world. Emphasizing the three principles of speed, price, and quality in service, this company is ready to advise and provide services as follows\r\nSome of the ports that this company is able to serve in the field of sea and land transportation (exports and imports) It is announced to your presence as follows. South\r\nAll ports of Malaysia\r\nDoor to Door container as well as single reefer, open top, flat rack, ISO tank, 40'/DC, 40'/HC '20'/DC providing ship chartering service\r\n r\nCombined transportation of goods in bulk, LCL and containerized (FCL) from all major commercial ports in the world to Iran and vice versa\r\nInternal and foreign transit, especially for neighboring countries and the CIS region\r\nAll air transportation The bases of Europe, China and India to Iran and vice versa\r\nStamping and preparation of licenses for the export of goods under the supervision of efficient people\r\nCarrying heavy and super heavy cargo\r\nIt also has offices in Dubai, India, China.\r\nPlease. If you need any of the mentioned items or advice in this field, please contact this company.\r\nIt is hoped that it will be able to gain the satisfaction and trust of customers by providing and providing the necessary facilities and facilities.\r\n provided for more success in global markets.
Trade kings
railroad transportation Cargo transportation by train Goods transit from CIS to Persian Gulf countries and India
Logistics anthem
Sirud Logistics International Transportation Company has a license to operate as a carrier and forwarder in the field of international ground transportation of goods. The above group has employees with experience and mastery in international transportation matters, as well as a dedicated office and warehouse, a headquarters office in Tehran and Tabriz, and a representative office in Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, and representation in the country's customs offices. . This company provides its ground services in the form of full and groupage from all over the European continent as well as Turkey at a very competitive rate to Iran and vice versa to its customers. Our ground transportation services are available weekly from main centers especially in Italy, Turkey to Iran and other countries. Also, the air and shipping service of this company runs regularly from all over the world to Iran and vice versa
Shipping company International داریس we must be pasargad
Company داریس we must be pasargadae, all services of import and export of goods ranging from transportation and transit and customs clearance of goods from all customs in Iran and the world, and its customers supply.
The patron shall serve
Company international transportation Itotrans with a brilliant record in the field of transportation of goods in Turkey and Iran, with a brilliant record at the Chamber of Commerce, ready, reception shipping. Has more than ٥٠دستگاه کامیون standard Carry the load for full track and forward Possibility of customs clearance of goods from ports and customs of the country the struggle to all parts of Iran and countries adjacent Clearance of goods from customs authorized Iran Delivery time door place
Company PDE
Company PDE with years of experience in the field of import, export and customs clearance of goods and after the separation of the network, TNT international ready services with the same quality, former price and exceptional as a day.
Company shahoo ترابر
Company shahoo we must be barking declares that in the field of specialized transportation for land, sea and. air and rail working .
Shipping company International صبوران ترابر Azerbaijan
Clearance definitive of goods from zero to one hundred, from all the Customs incoming The carriage of goods by lorries یخچالدار, etc. clad., the insole, etc. carriages, container Carrying imported goods from the Ports of other countries Carrying export goods Carry, retailer (گروپاژ) to Iran, or vice versa The transit of goods (ترکمنستان،ازبکستان،قزاقستان،تاجیکستان،قرقیزستان،روسیه،افغانستان،آذربایجان،ارمنستان،گرجستان،ترکیه،عراق،United Arab Emirates, Germany, Italy and other countries)