Ensure air handling
Ensure هواسازبزرگترین the manufacturer of the equipment and the essentials of cultivation and breeding of edible mushroom in Iran, including moisture Maker, may Maker, fogging, etc. the air construction and air washer can باشدهمچنین ensure the air handling ability of this is that their products in the least possible time (from 24 to 48 hours) across Iran. Also the possibility to send the products to the countries of Afghanistan, Iraq, Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) has been provided, is
Company avand farmer pasargad
Company آوندکشاورز پاسارگادفعال in the field of distribution of inputs and agricultural products imported providing appropriate counseling services to all partners and farmers are respected. Contact numbers Companies: -0313660159-03136639037-03136612852 Company address:اصفهان - خیابان شیخ صدوق شمالی-جنب seven hand Western-after building لورچ-building, No. 79-company avand farmer pasargad Email address:Avand keshavarz.co@gmail.com
The distillation of Khorasan
Company distillation, Khorasan, manufacturer, alcohol, medical, industrial, active in the industrial town of kalat, Mashhad, Iran.
Breeze, Cropland, Alborz
Company breeze, Cropland, Alborz in the field of sales, always keep you smiling agricultural inputs ranging from Poison, etc., fertilizer etc. seed, etc. implements the style وسنگین serving colleagues وکشاورزان respected.
Then the heart of the industry-Asia(رویشگر)
Company Knowledge Base رویشگر is proud to build the devices, the cultivation of hydroponic fodder sprouts, edible and vegetable, and the Dryer the fruit and vegetable.
Cooperative مهرخواه
One of the biggest manufacturers in collection of poultry products in Iran With the capability to send ground and air to all over the country
Company distribution of agricultural inputs thinning ( fertilizer, etc. and poison seeds)
Company distribution of agricultural inputs thinning of some of the experts in order to expedite the sending of products and agricultural inputs has been established. The company with the use of methods, different sales to try to hold all of the inputs from the factory or production centers for retail and wholesale to the hands of customers, stores and the farmers dear in across the country finish. The aim of the company establish the principles Buy cheap price away from any game dealer and intermediation in the country.
Company اتیه makers jeweled downs
Manufacturer of production line equipment, feed, ابزیان and feed the shrimp
Company زرکشت golestan
Company زرکشت is proud to having the best technology and the best quality in the field of design and construction of greenhouses, modern. ranging from the greenhouse glass designs of Dutch and greenhouse, plastic plot, Spanish. Company زرکشت in the field of design and construction of the greenhouse, and nuts and bolts, portable and ... of irrigation systems and ... systems, climate control, etc. fogging and... As well as collaborating with brands is one of the most discussed in the field of Agriculture, such as : priva Asian riococo big grodan big berg , svensson , mature degier , flora , genap and ...
The company pioneers the force.
The company pioneers in the field of industrial automation and installation of telecommunication equipment with a history of ایبیش ten years of activity there