Companiesand Producer Hardware

  • Lexar Co

    Currently, Lexar Group of Companies is proud to provide services to more than five thousand companies by having experienced and experienced personnel in European countries and reference equipment and is able to provide all kinds of equipment and measuring tools for customers. Sale of precision measuring equipment and tools: • Fixed and portable CMM device • All kinds of CMM three-dimensional measuring device accessories, manufactured by RENISHAW and MITUTOYO -Renisha probe types PH10M, PH9 and... - Standard and Medium TP20 module - Simple, disk, star, cylindrical and hemispherical extensions and styles • All kinds of digital thermometers and hygrometers and testo brand data loggers • Types of Radwag and BEL brand scales, weight class F1 and F2 • Pressure comparator, all kinds of pressure gauges brand PAKKENS, WIKA and... • Accurate measuring equipment of all kinds of block gauges, micrometers, calipers, external gauges, thickness gauges To benefit from services or purchase equipment, contact Lexar.

    Symbol Technology Development Company

    Danesh Banyan Tehseh Tehnik Nomad Co., Ltd. is a producer of all kinds of butt welding wires and anti-wear plates, established in 2008. This company relies on its scientific and practical experience and cooperation with the cement, steel, refractory, glass wool, mining, etc. industries to serve the capable craftsmen of the country.

    Mehr Engineering Company

    Sales and services of CMM 3D measuring devices Sales of portable CMM measuring devices Sales and services of 3D scanners Sales, services and calibration Types of general measuring equipment and control gauges Sales and services Types of special measuring and inspection devices Sales, services and calibration Types of calibration reference equipment and devices Sales and services of various types of hardness devices Gauges Sales and services of all types of video measuring devices, non-contact and two-dimensional Sales and services of all types of measuring devices Form and surface roughness

    Trade topaz

    Topaz Tejarat Trading Group provides a variety of specialized, construction and industrial adhesives. This collection tries to provide the best products to its customers by providing quality products from world-renowned brands. Our customers are our greatest asset and customer satisfaction. is our ultimate goal.

    gas jack

    Types of automotive gas jacks (front hood and trunk of all types of cars), types of industrial gas jacks (in different sizes and newtons), types of gas jacks for all types of beds (wall jacked beds and boxy jacked beds, etc.) Types of gas jacks with needle latches (types of gas jacks with latches for hospital beds and car seats), types of gas jacks for office chairs (in different sizes), folding bed sets (wall-mounted and boxy in full)

    Faiko 110 (the world of gas jacks) (the official representative of Manxan Türkiye)

    The best supplier and producer in the field of gas jacks (the official representative of Manxan Turkey), pedals, sets, and beds.

    Part Petro Kala

    Pump and booster representative of the American Haskel company\r\n\r\nRepresentative of the American ALLPAX company, the manufacturer of gaskets\r\n\r\nRepresentative of the Indian E-ZEE CUT company, the manufacturer of gaskets\r\n\r\nThe representative of the company Len Matec, Belgium, manufacturer of manual facer flanges up to 22 inches\r\n\r\nABRA-LAP company representative, manufacturer of lapping devices\r\n\r\nKOHLER company, Germany, manufacturer of super composite lapping stones\r\n\ r\nAmerica's RIDGID tool provider\r\n\r\nAmerica's ENERPAC hydraulic tool provider\r\n\r\nAmerica's IngersollRand air tool provider\r\n\r\nManufacturing all kinds of pneumatic and electric and manual pump testing to 3000 bar\r\n\r\nManufacturing valve test table up to 36 inches\r\n\r\nManufacturing hydraulic press up to 250 tons capacity

    Lotus towing

    Today, in various industries, we see the wide use of lifting products and fittings for various purposes, therefore, Lotus Sanat Nafis Company, with the field of activity in the field of importing and selling all kinds of load belts, towing wires and fittings, all kinds of manual and electric cranes, with more than 20 years of experience, is ready to provide purchase advice to our dear customers in order to buy and import all kinds of desired products. This company always offers its products to our dear customers by considering factors such as high quality and reasonable prices.

    Saman Kalatavan tool

    The first manufacturer of advanced tools, Hydra.Lik, has an official license from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology