- کاربر تایید شده
- Cultural
- کاربر تایید شده
- Cultural
Kish unicorn toy creative company
The Unicorn brand was registered in 1996 and launched by producing and selling creative packages and participating in several national toy festivals. In 1401, Kish Toy Company was established in the beautiful island of Kish and was recognized as a creative company in the design of toys and creative packages by the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
Al-Huda International Publications
The main activities of Al-Huda International Publications are as follows: - Translation, compilation and publication of works of thinkers, religious and scientific figures and personalities. Written works and other cultural products through the agencies and branches of the institute as well as the cultural agencies of the Islamic Republic of Iran abroad (cultural consultations). - Cooperation with foreign publishers through the Nowruz Literary Agency with participation and membership Iranian publisher in the group of publishers and creating copyright exchanges between these publishers and foreign publishers. - Granting distribution and sales agencies to publishers, cultural institutions and natural and legal persons. - Presence In specialized and international book fairs around the world. - Providing publishing services to local and foreign authors, translators and publishers. - Accepting international orders to supply books and cultural items. - Holding meetings of the Age of Culture of Nations in cooperation with the House of Iranian Artists.
Company Institute the golden opportunity
The Institute of cultural multi-purpose management doctor ایرانشاهی and direction of the activities of scientific -research, psychology, and art is composed and to the needs of students at every level the latter. By the way, the box set of experienced teachers inside and outside of the country selected and the quality of the work done in priority. This institute perform a variety of thesis and research paper in any discipline and with any level accepts and by the way, writing a variety of specialized books and novels as well, except for the activities of the Institute. Counseling, academic and career as well as consulting, advertising, and business management methods and goal-setting and future career in small and big jobs as well as other activities of the Institute. By the way, all the factories and jobs can improve the business of consulting, staffing and project planning and control of experts of the Institute also use.
The Institute of cultural art. wave media votes
Part of the performance Institute:\\ r\\n 1– preparation and construction of more than 2000 minute documentary, commissioned by various companies, oil and gas . 2– making tens about a TV teaser . 3 - build 10-documentary of the stages of construction and operation of phase 6, then 7 and 8 of South Pars . 4 - making 6 documentary of the stages of construction and operation of phase های9 and 10 of South Pars . 5 - construction of 600 minutes documentary film with the theme of the cultural, social, to order the police force 7 – build 2000-minute TV program, with the axis of cultural and economic for the Network News . 8 – The construction of the 400-minute documentary, social and economic for the network one, two, three, and five SIMA . 9– build tens of documentary, industrial factories and industrial units of the country. 10 - conference and Exhibition for the region wijhe economic well spring . Area the Liberator creed . Union آسیابانان the world - the Union of recycling industries - company market clearing News – Network health and درمان city, shahriyar - Exhibition of Quran, Tehran, ونمایشگاه press . 11 - production 180 program, documentary, social, economic, and cultural order, the network television market with the time of 2000 minutes .
Publications of the seventh chapter
The seventh chapter publishing has a professional group of editors, graphic designers, illustrators and sales all over Iran with zero percent consultations, from the beginning of the preparation stages, printing the book to publishing and distributing it together with the writers and authors.\r\n\r\n According to the needs assessment of the audience and consultation with the authors, the publication provides the best selection of the best materials with the best quality to the readers. (Foreign and domestic) plays, biographies, screenplays, research and researches of literary texts, ancient texts, psychological, motivational, business management, educational books, and turns theses into books.\r\n\r\n The honors of this publication are publishing more than 80 book titles and 15 reprint titles, as well as cooperation with government bodies (education, Islamic Azad University, welfare, regional water and oil and environment company).
The thinkers of Sepidar Pardis
You will experience specialized introduction, detailed search and review and purchase of any type of book you can think of in Ketabyoum; Also, using the site's social network, accessing the content produced on Ketabyoum's social networks, holding specialized meetings on special topics centered on books, and holding book signing parties are among our other activities in Ketabyoum.
Achaemenid puzzle mirror
Selling all kinds of glass and mirrors. Specialized repairs of all types of construction glass, design and manufacture of all types of double-glazed glass and special colored and tempered glass. It has satin glass and all kinds of decorative and decorative mirrors for home and office and the possibility of sending to all parts of our dear country, Iran. Contact for more information.