- کاربر تایید شده
- Washing and cleaning
- Tehran
Company قالیشویی فرهی
قالیشویی and رفوگری فرهی has a history of brilliant and the experience necessary to offer a variety of services, carpets serve you. خدمات our words, اندز: شستشوی specialized types of carpets, Belgian leather-فرهی-polyester-viscose-acrylic and... شستشوی types of carpets, exquisite and handmade projects with the best quality and without the use of acidic substances خشکشویی a variety of furniture, floor carpet,-خوشخواب and... in place of رفو and repair a variety of damage دیدگیهای carpet generally and جزعی with the best quality to learn more, you can to the link below refer\r\site configuration://ghalishooe.loxblog.com/
three whistles
Providing quality services in the best possible condition at Se Soot carpet cleaning
The company services auto
The company services auto All tasks services, cleaning Orgies Masonry minor Cleaning homes and ....
Company قالیشویی kamyar (sadra) machine 3500
قالیشویی kamyar (sadra) Official member of the Union Ready serving the citizens of East Tehran. Services قالیشویی, etc. رفوگری., the roots, weaving, رنگبرداری, etc. headband and... Laundry, furniture, carpet, etc. car seat, floor, and location, شستشوبا observe the principles of religious ۷۷۹۶۲۲۲۵ - ۷۷۰۷۸۶۸۰ - ۰۹۱۲۰۹۵۵۹۵۱ - ۰۹۱۹۸۶۵۱۵۰۵
Company specialized services, spraying
Specialized services, spraying کنترل a variety of vermin and rodents in homes and companies دارای مجوزرسمی from the Ministry of Health زیرنظر PhD entomology, medical 09192435713
Caspian Spraying Company
Caspian Spraying is at your service, relying on its scientific expertise and experience. All kinds of pests and urban rodents provide specialized services. Our goal is to achieve conscious health at the community level. It pollutes people's living environment and opens the way for various types of cancer and diseases. Calls will be by your side to solve your problem. In Karaj Spray in North Tehran Spray in West Tehran Spray in Restaurant Spray in Hotels Spray in Mosquito Spray in Tarantula Spray in Scorpion Mouse in Spray Spray Snake Spray of lice Spray of cockroaches Spray of beetles
Company Aquarium Mohsen
Aquarium+ آکواریوم freshwater+ آکواریوم saltwater+ ماهی ornamental+ آنجل+ امپراطور+ مرجان+ دلقک+fish نظافت Aquarium+ سرویس Aquarium+ نصب and setup Aquarium+ گیاهان Aquarium+ دیس,+\, r\nاسکار+ راهاندازی Aquarium+ گوپی+ مولی+ لجن eater+ سورم+ پرت+ نایف+ دالر+ فایتر+ دارف+ فلاور+ نئون+ رد barb+ گیاهان saltwater+ گیاهان freshwater+ ردتیل+ دراگون+ بلوتان+ خفاش+fish ماهی saltwater+ ماهی freshwater+ پیکاسو+ ردلاین+ نمک marine+ شستشوی Aquarium+ هوادهی Aquarium+ شیشه Aquarium+ شن Aquarium+ تصفیه Aquarium+ غذای+fish اسکیمر+ سامپ+ شیشه maze+ هیدرومتر+ بخاری Aquarium+ مدیای Aquarium+ Live rock+ فیلتر foam+ مرجان+ شقایق marine+ راه setup Aquarium+ لایو rock+ ماهی antenna+ پروانه+fish ترینیداد+ بلو tanks+ یلو tanks+ خفاش+fish فرشته+fish کوسه fish