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Cultural group Erica
Erika, the representative of direct University • admission to an MBA from the University of George Simon Ohm, Germany, for eligible in less than a month • obtaining a student visa, Country, Germany • Visa mobile (همسروفرزند) • services related to accommodation and student accommodation • basic service student in Germany (registration in the police, opening a bank account, a SIM card, and familiarity with the city of residence) • student to communicate with a representative office the University of George Simon Ohm in Tehran, with the following number please contact. Tel: 22563710 22552631 big 22768366 \r\site configuration://
Company cinnamon
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Company personal
Tutoring in English/All courses.From primary school to prepare the TOEFL test
Company simineh
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The Institute of educational innovators knowledge
The Institute of educational innovators, knowledge representation, superior institutions, including complex technical, Tehran, Iran. mahan, Deputy Minister and other institutions. the organizer of the course. the organizer of the training course the technician with employment, entrance exam, graduate, etc. on Science and technology-test engineering
Company, teaching and translation
English language teaching And the translation of texts and articles in English
Institute for training and welding engineering in Iran
\" The Institute is proud to be the first Institute, the organizer of the engineering courses for distance learning in Iran's activities and since in the majority of schools, institutions, the traditional method has been removed and training classes for it advanced held. s.). this institution also with simulation and the use of electronic features, due to the limitation of the speed of the internet inside the country, attempting to send educational packages through the post. Thus, also the benefits of classes, distance learning has been used and also limits the speed of the internet fix.. Institute of Education, Iranian welding courses, technical and engineering related to project industries: oil, gas, petrochemistry, refinery, etc. steel structure and concrete, etc., mapping and ... across the country for non-face to face (distance education across the country), and certificate of completion the valid period (domestic and international) provide. علاقه enthusiast can now courses: welding inspection (Level 1 and 2), the inspection of storage tanks, etc., structural inspection, metal inspection, pipelines, inspection, paint, coatings, etc., mapping, etc. testing, nondestructive liquid penetrant (PT), for the inspection of welds in the building, through the site the register States. This course for all technicians and engineers active or interested in the project, can prove very beneficial and at the end of the certification of completion of the course (after passing the test) receive. These courses with more benefits and less cost compared to the courses in person about the attention the volunteers is located. Please report for more information from the contents of the package, how to hold and test period, distance, etc. prestigious international certification courses, and other items to the base of the internet please visit and or number, support contact, please. آدرس website: e-mail registration: دفتر central: تهران - خیابان طالقانی - خیابان بهار جنوبی - مجتمع persepolis - second floor - No. 45 phone: 4 - 77655883 (21)98 + Fax: 77655884 (21)98 + دفترفروش products: esfahan - the army - building, 104 - Unit 2 - company consultants, the premier صافا phone: 6 - 7777405 (311)98 + Fax: 7777406 (311)98 + site: پشتیبانی and registration: 9009 118 0939 - 7863391 0311 -5-09109309003 Please report to register for a newsletter related to all engineering courses an SMS without text to number 50002060001020 please send.
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Training software SketchUp sketchup, etc. rendering with vray and photoshop....
Private institution
Taught English from beginner to advanced -Tutoring or conversation, the Liberator
Company Tutoring
Taught all courses of the University and the Institute include: ICDL Network+ CCNA برنامه programming ساختمان data ساختمان discrete AND ...
Company noble
The teaching of Mathematics. differential equations, mathematics, engineering, statistics and some courses in electrical engineering, is a graduate in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of technology همچنین the teaching of Mathematics and Physics, undergraduate students, high school is private
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Company sweet and sour
Ruth is a period standard and a single meeting of cookery - sweets, dry - fruit, dry - pickling - jams - apricot, and the rasp homemade - sausage - kielbasa and....
Company thesis management
Set the end of the letter, management, engineering, industry, inventory management; management of business orientation, marketing, financial, transformation and international management, management MBA, management EMBA, management DBA, management, industrial orientation, production, operations research and financial management, management, government, human resources, Finance, etc., human resources, etc. transformation, and organization and methods, management, executive, or world, trends in marketing, strategic, strategies, and production, urban management, management of technology, entrepreneurial management trends in tourism, technology, MBA, management, management, insurance, etc. Management system and productivity management, management, banking, management, management training, management, tourism, engineering, industries, trends, industrial production and crafts,