Now Ava
Translation (formal and informal)and type to all languages ترجمه: all documentation, contract, thesis, books, texts, academic, and... تایپ: book, the end of the letter (English and Latin), table, and..., layout, and bookbinding کلیه Affairs and graphic design ارائه courier services Free خ Freedom-Day from Sharif University of technology-next to housing Bank-ساختمان517-واحد12-66044705-09354812599
Now the bookstore tomorrow
The bookstore tomorrow with the aim of creating a coherent system, and specialized in selling books in the year 1389 as a pilot project it started its activity. This system is based on a master project in the field of Management, Marketing and sales, then check out the full and all-round successful examples in the world, such as Amazon dot com., the bookstore chain Barnes have nabeul and بوردرز design and implementation of was. مدیر and the founder of the project. Mr. Mehdi zare, with the help of the intellectual, one of the publishers of engineering, the plan for the demo to run in. In the first stage, merely books of Engineering in this network was distributed. In the continuation of this project, the attention of one of the university professors, was put, and with the increased investment of the project, the system software has been upgraded and move towards full coverage of books published Persian agenda. In the year 1390 the Book of tomorrow as the first book wholesale internet in list stores, the symbol of the trust electronic record. icon are now more than 75 thousand book titles on the system supplied, and a lot of publishers and distribution centers, book distribution, book, self-published through this system are doing. بر basis of Statistics home book, which puts the official in the field of statistics of book publishing in the country. annually about 60 thousand, as is. Assuming the availability of books for 3 years and compare this number with the titles of the released books tomorrow, you can get that over 40% of the book market in Iran through the Book of tomorrow is available.
Company interpreter for Chinese
Hi Mary سبزیوند am graduated of Shahid Beheshti University, ready to cooperate in the field of translation simultaneously, the Chinese language in the installation and commissioning of production lines, has the experience necessary in all industries (about 10 years) باشرکتهاوموسسات government and private;
The company calls the ability to
Prepare and send books in the field, and different fields
Company موزشگاه technical and professional National Cemetary
Language school professional and technical National Cemetary, in terms of organization of the professional training of the country and enjoying the professors, with great history and highly qualified in the fields of computer. برق industrial, PLC, etc. drawing and accounting, as well as all software in this field like AutoCAD , CATIA , 3Ds MAX , Maya AND software, network, conditions, easy, registration is appreciated . مدرکی that at the end of the period granted. associate professional and technical or کاردانش organization vocational education and training has been accepted by all organizations and institutions دولتی and private, such as : education, administration, institutions, job search, government and non-state actors. mehr Finance and credit institution of Imam Reza (A. S.) وزارت of Science, universities, message light, etc. Also, trainees will be able in the field of your choice ever take education levels higher education (University) continue to.
Company behrayan
The granting of an official diploma in the fields of theoretical - کاردانش( civil-computer-graphic and interior architecture -accounting - tourism, etc.) with 20 years experience face-to-face -non-verbal-in the shortest time and cost -(did not finish compulsory education-adults - price courses approved by the technical and Professional Education Department, Education) مشاور free face-to-face (Educational Complex بهرایان)...Established year ١٣٧٩ selected language school is the Premier years, ٩٦-٩٥-٩٣-٨٩-٨٧-٨٥ آدرس:Mousavi Street - Taleghani Street - north No. ٩٠ - first floor شماره contact: ٨٨٨٢١٩١٠-٠٢١ and ٠٩١٢١٨٨٨٢٩٤