Companies Province Khorasan Razaviand Producer Commerce

  • Khayyam's mansion

    Export and Import Commerce

    Company دناکروم

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    Company frutal

    :: Impressive all businesses, services, and manufacturing and shop in Iran :: فروتل support service provider, advertising, sales and transportation in all over Iran: فروتل backup you in advertising, sales, management, orders, sending, receiving funds either online or at the location of the customer, communication with customer and ... سایت store gift frutal: سایت retail, professional, community a single, along with hosting and domain IR and support permanent(gift frutal to the sellers) امکانات diverse advertising including: - advertising system participation in the dedicated sales: marketing to the exchange for the commission, which, through the site gift frutal you will be offering. - system participation in the public sale: of Marketing for the Commission with the activity of more than 60 thousand Internet marketer in Iran - ability to send mail. group SMS, Fax, database, comprehensive, frutal and dealer clients - port ads Iran: the Great Hall of provide the advertising services, provided by all media advertising in Iran you امکانات numerous sales, including: - panel sales management professionals with a variety of methods, order. sales management and reporting, various - notification, email and SMS essey and فکسی and ... to the customers and the seller, to order. order status and ... - auction timed to. Ben, discounts, sweepstakes, and .... - the sale of virtual products and sheet music, with the possibility of online payments and provide a download link.. - the possibility of providing a variety of services for online and managing them to be quite professional - the possibility of receiving funds from the customer for online or in place in Iran - web store professional, intelligent, with the most complete features as possible AND... icon short time to help frutal your business transform), and the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time it extend. اطلاعات more can through the site and support online, or for business telemarketing. کلمات keywords: Internet Sales , Sales, mailing , shopping, mailing , marketing , advertising , frutal , sale wide , sale, Telephone , mail , e-commerce . Cash on delivery , COD (cash on delivery) ,