Structural waterway -09155241800
Structural waterway -09155241800
Company saffron قائنات
Saffron قائنات quality of Iranian saffron from production to consumption, with an exceptional price - just once, try
Company شالیکوبی irascible
Rice, the key, and aromatic North direct from the farmer get you looks without intermediaries, with prices very reasonable and excellent quality
Company mushroom Golden
Mushroom Golden is honored as the Entrepreneur of the superior province in the Department of Agricultural Service to spread culture, employment and employment with the aim of creating a job. Stable and paying based on education, knowledge, skills, technical and functional in the field of Education, a variety of fungi, its activity with the presentation methods to the new and relying on the achieved precious years of effort and experience, the beginning and the complete set of the science and information needed to cultivate mushrooms, specialized and functional to set up and handle manufacturing units, small and large, at the discretion buffs put up with the use of the capital, though a slight step that is effective in operation, reliable and dynamic, removed in addition to the production of mushrooms as an article of food with Value in the development of agricultural production shone, and we boomed and this center will provide.
Company plain turquoise.
Animal husbandry and Agriculture
Soil and organic fertilizer processing unit of Hazar Masjid
Participation in the construction of pre-sale, purchase, sale, mortgage, rental
The company reports fanavaran Asia trade
Biological group Ariana, an affiliate of the company samin fanavaran Asia trade, with 5 years of experience in the industry, vermicompost and production of 120,000 tons of organic fertilizer vermicompost is a suitable ground for investment in this industry has provided therefore, with the purchase of a guaranteed product, you lull during the production for our customers brought is
Company flower plays artin
The whole shrub, above the imported product and Southeast Asia, are. فروش the overall and partial
Company culture and Industry کهنوش
Granted, food agents(کهنوش) قابل note Company, and issued the manufacturer gun, food شرکت cultivation and Industry (کهنوش ), located in the town industrial marand the direction of the broadcast and the sale of products manufactured from different cities of Iran and also outside of the country, representing the active accepts . محصولات, home cultivation and the industry کهنوش انواع خشکبار sour(Tamarind, etc. sour cherry, etc. tab, and. I am Solomon, apricots, cranberries, etc., Tamarind processing etc. آلبالوی processed, etc. sheet products. blueberry products. لواشک catering, etc. bulk and sheet) شرکتهای active, food that to capillary action, they are able to obtain a representation with the responsible sales company contact says . تماس with us آدرس دفترمرکزی Tabriz, hydrating Tower, crystal, Isfahan University, Tower, crystal, etc., 5th floor, unit E شماره contact the central office : 3366766 (0411) (10 lines) مدیر sale :part 09149911040 کارشناس sale:Hossein-Zadeh 09144018829 شماره Fax : 3378785 کد ZIP : 5156918979 ایمیل: وب website