Exact instrument Co Iranian mehr
Company instrumentation, Iranian mehr manufacturer all equipment and sensors Meteo Kata hydrometric and telemetry systems and monitoring انواع Weather Stations include: ایستگاه Meteorology synoptic ایستگاه Meteorology evaporation Polls ایستگاه road weather ایستگاه Meteorology, agriculture ایستگاه Meteorology, airspace, انواع stations Kata hydrometric and within the well, and the quality of water انواع sensors Meteorology include: دیتالاگر and RTU سنسور shirt سنسور direction سنسور temperature and humidity سنسور rain gauge سنسور evaporation gauge سنسور air pressure سنسور radiation of the sun سنسور آفتابنگار سنسور the temperature of the surface of the soil سنسور average depth of the soil سنسور soil moisture سنسور horizontal visibility سنسور the surface of the water سنسور the speed of the water (التراسونیک) سنسور snow survey - the height of the snow - density snow سنسورهای quality of the water ( depth, temperature, PH, EC, DO, salinity, weather ......) AND ...... دارای represent companies LAMBERCHT and GEONICA and OTT and STS and .... In Iran راه Launch System telemetry and کمترل remote راه systems, GPRS , SMS to transfer data to system conditions ارائه all kinds of depth Finder manual and دیتالاگری, etc. لمینوگراف or level gauge, electronic, etc. Weather Stations, the air and دیتالاگری, etc. مولینه and میکرو مولینه., the station electronic snow survey and also all consumer like the variety of کاغذهای rain gauges, آفتابنگار, etc. لمینوگراف and ... and a variety pens, etc. ink, pan evaporation and lace and ...and other equipment needed section, surface waters and underground