Exclusive export agent of Siddiq Ceram Abadeh and Pasargad Ceramic Tiles Ceramic Complex
Exclusive export agent of Siddiq Ceram Abadeh and Pasargad Ceram Abadeh Ceramic Tiles Complex with experienced staff, ready to provide services without intermediaries is. The staff of this complex is available to you dear ones every day except holidays from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This complex is one of the largest producers of ceramic tiles in the country with an average daily production of one hundred thousand square meters of ceramic tiles in the country. Click on the link below to view products by size. @ Abadehtilebot
Rent and sale of prefabricated metal stairs Scaffolding stairs Workshop stairs
Kibeks block
Behrooz Kimia lightweight concrete factory in 1397 with the aim of producing a quality product to strengthen the building against natural disasters such as earthquakes, environmental protection and energy savings, in a land area of 2 hectares with production capacity Annually 150,000 cubic meters have been exploited in Mahmoud Abad Qom industrial town. In order to develop new building materials in the country, this complex with the benefit of local experts and fully up-to-date and fully automatic equipment, high quality autoclaved aerated concrete block (AAC) with high quality and replaceable with other materials (brick, pottery, Leica and ...) offers the market with the brand of Quebec. The use of quality raw materials, the existence of a well-equipped laboratory and the supervision of technical experts during the production process have made the lightweight concrete blocks of Kibaks in accordance with domestic and international standards available to reputable manufacturers. Due to the geographical and strategic position of Qom province as a transportation highway of the country and the close access of this factory to the capital, it makes it possible for customers to greatly reduce the costs of transportation and handling of products. \ r \ nProducts
سنگسان Yazd
Complexes, factories, سنگسان Yazd مجتمع factories سنگسان Yazd., the manufacturer of pipelines, concrete, classical, etc. with Germany technology in the dimensions of 30×30 and 50×50 with a thickness of 30 and 40 mm, power Press 500 tons, and 24 hours steam room at 80 degrees centigrade واش concrete classic سنگسان, direction, landscaping, parks, villas, pedestrian way, etc. parking and روف garden are used. محصولات manufacturing سنگسان با10 year warranty on any weather conditions and warranties can be. جهت hits images and projects implemented, and the perfect sample products to the page below, visit.\\r\\site configuration://instagram.com/washbeton.sangsan.ir
Building materials, iron, machinery /
The preparation and distribution of building materials and iron
Concrete first date
The production and sale of the immediacy of the factory block style first up-to-date with brand کیبکس the manufacturer of the autoclave the AAC (هبلکس) on the freeway, Qom, Tehran. مزایای block style autoclave هبلکس : مقاوم against earthquake مقاوم against Fire, and fire عایق sound and heat کاهش weight of the building سبک and high resistance سرعت run سازگار with the environment حمل and shipping convenient, بدون need to plaster بدون the need for mortar, sand and cement, بدون waste
Civil building Corp
Sale ومجری design style واتوکلاو The هبلکس فروش directly without intermediaries تحویل the door of the factory تضمین reasonable price ونیازمشتری تضمین quality block وچسب
iran precast
Halcor - New Jersey - enclosure wall - lacquer block - retaining wall - electric pole - concrete box - ready concrete roof - precast prestressed concrete