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Companies - Page ۳۵and Producer Building Materials

  • The company crafts, the reward of the pottery salar

    Production and direct supply all kinds of سفالهای construction ائم from: اجرسفال facade . A variety of blocks, pottery, blade (partition) . A variety of blocks, pottery, ceiling at different heights . فندوله pottery (template joists) .

    Company پولاد clay Khorasan

    Company پولاد clay, Khorasan, registration number 9064 and date established 1373 and license number established 117190/54 and the license number of operation, 44453, under the Ministry of industries and mines Iran, with a history of 30 years of experience and research. is the only manufacturer of production line, brick pottery, with the structure all steel with a capacity of 20000, template, bricks, pottery at the clock. It should be noted that the main goal of the company making high-quality, and the use of technology in the world. Company پولاد clay Khorasan, now with the construction of heavy machinery and the possibility of design and assembly of other equipment, industries, brick, ready to run the project, the construction of brick factories around the world and guidelines of the pundits for our incentives and dear will be. Also, the company پولاد clay enjoying a successful experience in the construction machinery and equipment industry, recycling of materials and the oil and gas industry and petrochemistry, step new started.

    Industrial manufacturing company brick machine آژند

    روژه the production of bricks, carpet with the use of the refractory and خاکهای mineral