Sadra company horizon
Company registration date:
Number of staff:
1-10 Person
Company activities:
Province Mazandaran
In the field of: Audio and Video
Company Type:
Sadra company horizon development of the electrical industry in the field of design, engineering and execution of electrical projects, electronics ومخابرات activity. since its established, the company relying on knowledge, human capital and the transfer of innovative technologies, and employing it has managed to grow substantially in the design, engineering and execution of electrical projects, electronics ومخابرات in various areas of the business .
مدیریت modern and dynamic, etc. commitment to human values and meritocracy and localization technologies in the world, including the achievements of sadra company horizon development of the electrical industry . Such measures sadra company horizon development of power industry enter in the field of new technologies, electronic has been that has knowledge in this field the native and in the step, the long-term collection sadra horizon development, create production space and heaps of storage equipment quality and performance will be high when alternative equipment with the high price of imported. sadra Co. horizon industry development, electrical development, in line with the long-term goal in the wake of the creation of infrastructure required for execution of this target. Therefore, relying on the knowledge of the forces and experts of the noble, This Set and with regard to the Lord, the Almighty, in line with these objectives, steps will be picked up and soon set the mighty of the technology trail will be created, and also the equipment in the field of control and monitoring, telecommunication equipment and radio, equipment, measuring, industrial . . .. The design and construction of the ... the direction of the action to produce the official .
زوایای services company sadra, horizon, development of the electrical industry in the sectors of repair and maintenance of telecommunications systems, wireless, etc. implementation and maintenance of project monitoring, SCADA, power plant, electricity, advice, implementation monitoring system, RTU, ABB, and systems measure the boards, HVI, etc. repair drivers, AC and DC motors, etc. preparation and execution and equipment installation of UPS, installation and execution systems, fleet management devices, GPS, tracker and alarm system, satellite. also, the annual maintenance of this equipment in line with company sadra horizon, the development of power industry will be.
شرکت sadra horizon, the development of the electrical industry with the aim of spreading science and knowledge in all fields of electric power, which includes الکتروتکنیک, etc. electronics, telecommunication, etc. instrument, etc. will be, able to service more desirable to customers, provided that such set goals, the complete satisfaction of the employer. so, for this reason, with a fusion of knowledge with action can be the purpose it brought .
واحد electronics and telecommunications collection, that of the oldest and most powerful units are set and the knowledge set on this base is created has the most activities., including activities in the field of electronics, which include the design of analog and digital circuits. implementation of the project, with the Processor, DSPIC and PIC32, etc. execution, the number of minimalistic project, along with CPLD and ... making machine, such as فلشرهای electricity, alternating and direct power, which can control. the design and construction of the system controller, site, Telecom, remote, etc. Design and build power supplies switching and linear, design and build a range Controller هیترجت, industrial gas, etc. گازوئیلی), the design and construction automation, green space, and other projects raised in that collection carried out and are carried out, and is soon on the website, will be exhibited .
Flasher dc وac, etc. Vehicle Tracker, equipment, measuring, laboratory, electronics, Stoke, etc. rig, inhibitory, etc. satellite Tracker vehicle, a variety of پروگرامر, Radio, Power Supplies, switching, Telecom, 13.8 volts, etc.