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Preparing and writing a variety of plan and calculation of financial - economic software کامفار

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Preparing and writing a variety of plan and calculation of financial - economic software کامفار

Company knowledge base, management consulting and engineering industry behin Finder (official member and has a rating of Association of credit counselors and investment banking, a member of the official Association of Companies, Investment Advisor, and monitor projects, and has proposed a technical and engineering of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and trade), with experiences valuable and active in the field of investment advice and Industrial is ready to provide consulting services investments including the preparation and formulate a plan to market, technical and financial software کامفار (comfar), in order to facilitate the process of working companies and entities the applicant. نگارش and the preparation of designs, engineering and technical justification, the software COMFAR order to receive accommodations, and credits and loans under the supervision of Engineers, lapsed, etc. all drawings with the software Comfar III analysis, the calculations to days, and conditions is quite technical and has direction of the construction and commissioning of the projects design is. The box design, the preparation of any defense in organizations, and banks. • prepare a variety of design, justification of technical and economic and financial • provide services, plan preparation and feasibility in the fields of: Industrial, mining, agriculture, services, transport, tourism, commercial and... • advice on economic, industrial, commercial and investment • studies the feasibility of projects of economic, industrial, commercial, agriculture, animal husbandry, mining, tourism and services • preparation of the technical plan, to provide direction to the industry and plan the economic and financial (FS) To present to banks in order to apply the facility regarding the projects ایجادی, etc. development, etc., the rehabilitation units, stagnant and disabled., the working capital units are active • advice دراخذجواز established, etc. agreed in principle and the license of operation established industries, projects ایجادی and development • obtain and provide the Performa of raw materials, components, machinery, equipment and production lines • provide information services CF sunny economic, industrial and commercial • deliver projects to plan the technical, economic and financial (Feasibility Study Report)The ... business plan (business plan), the marketing plan (Marketing Plan) Market research and studies بازارنگری • provide the plan with the software کامفار comfar • advice, financing plans and the development of capital resources • complete the form on the website behin finder and obtain the establishment license • obtaining a bank loan, and obtaining a facility of the National Development Fund • writing and formulate a plan to obtain a bank loan • obtaining all licenses production (establishment license, etc. the license of operation, etc.)

کلیه projects under the supervision of experts and consultants qualified and based on the criteria of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and trade, etc. the committee of banks operating according to the criteria and conditions of specific applicants to be dedicated, assessment codification. therefore, all estimates and the possibility of سنجیها quite real, and according to the conditions on domestic and foreign market.

ICON in the field, descirption of duties, our studies, based on the Standard "Industrial Development Organization United Nations " (UNIDO) is produced "presentable to the bank (Bankable)" to obtain a facility that if needed, the results of this analysis, it can be by the software, "کامفار "(COMFAR) is also provided.

شرکت knowledge base, management consulting and engineering industry behin Finder  membership in the group of knowledge-based companies affiliated to the science and Technology Department of the presidential  official member, and has a rating of Association of credit counselors and investment banking  a member of the official Association of Companies, Investment Advisor and ...

Contact Info: Industry behin Finder
Companyبهین صنعت یاب
Tel +98 21-2×××6908 callMake Call
Addressپاسداران، خیابان نیستان چهارم، پلاک 1/3 (ساختمان نیستان)، واحد116، طبقه 5
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