Wardrobes archive metal

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  • Gold
  • 8 Year

Wardrobes archive metal

Wardrobes archive-metal محصولی of the company, the statue of تولید with a sheet of oiled 5 tenths 7 tenths and 9 tenths رنگ powder electro-static leather ( original color beige) دارای lock and handle دارای 4 5 floor space to archive طبقات adjustable at different distances ابعاد to a length of 95 cm, a depth of 45 cm and a height of 195 cm موارد custom: ایجاد the base, adjust the direction of washing floor اضافه off floors more تغییر size wardrobe استفاده from a variety of colors, static and liquid furnace apart from the beige, also to produce a two-color استفاده of latches built-in استفاده of the sheet, oily, with a thickness of one mm to the Top to get more content to our website, please visit and or experts please contact us.

Behsazkaran Sanat Tandis Co

  • Gold Company
  • Trusted Company
  • Company registration date: 2009-03-21
  • Number of staff: 11-20 Person
  • Company activities: producer, Distributor and Wholesaler
  • Place: Iran, Province Tehran
  • In the field of: laboratory equipment
  • Company Type: Private

Production and sale of office supplies and filing \r\nTandis company offers the following products.\r\nRail filing cabinet \r\nFiling cabinet \r\nRevolving filing cabinet\r\nFile types: map file, four-drawer file , three-drawer file, two-drawer file \r\nTypes of dressing cabinets: single door, two door, three door, four door, six door and nine door \r\nDorm and student bed with sleeping equipment related to the product\r\ nServices provided: opening and closing of the rail filing cabinet, repair

Designing and selling all kinds of file cabinets, repairing, installing and moving rail file cabinets
Contact Info: Behsazkaran Sanat Tandis Co
Companyشرکت بهسازکاران صنعت تندیس
Tel +98 21-7×××2824, +98 21-7×××2825 callMake Call
Mobile +98 912×××8848 callMake Call
Instagram Instagram page
Website https://www.bstandis.com/
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