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Nowadays, online buying ticket is one of the pleasant experiences of users in the debate on the internet shopping. Reduce the cost of commuting,get the complete information about the program desired , the ease of choosing the place and seats, pay fees online and track problems, and possible questions and ... of the factors that users tend to buy the internet tickets the day-to-day more. "System ticket sales آراپندار" one of the products of software company آراپندار that with the technical capabilities and various features, you will need to in order to Sell Online tickets a variety of applications such as: concerts, conferences, theater and ... relieved. If you have the app-studded concerts, Theatre , conferences, and ... you can rely on great features, functional, system, sale, Online ticket آراپندار and experience, we set up the largest system of ticket selling of the country safely, to develop their business and sell more to pay.
Company | آراپندار |
Tel | +98 -7×××320444 |
Website | |
Country | Iran |
Province | Fars |
Address | شیراز ،خیابان باغشاه ،نبش کوچه 5 |