Car wash Fully automatic gated car wash

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Car wash Fully automatic gated car wash

Petser's fully automatic car washes (gate and tunnel car washes, bus washes and truck washes) have very significant advantages, which we briefly mention below: Using technology Very high and the highest level of quality (brushes, gearboxes, pneumatic and electronic equipment)

● Easy to use

● Low cost operation and possibility of automatic troubleshooting r\n● The ability to paint according to the customer's wishes and to be equipped with optional accessories

● Very fast and easy assembly

Also, the proximity and ease of business dealings with Turkey and the provision of suitable technical services And fast is one of the other advantages of using fully automatic car wash machines of Turkey's Petser company. : PTS WASH 3000 Savari Shore

- Machine width: 300 cm

- Machine height: 330 cm

- Car wash height: 300 cm \ r\n
- Car wash width: 220 cm

- Car wash time: 3-4 minutes
\r\ n- Car drying time: 1-2-5 minutes

- Air pressure: 6 bar

- Water pressure: 3.5 bar

- Air consumption: 7 liters per minute

- Water consumption: 70-80 liters

- Electricity consumption: 0.12 kilowatts per hour

- Shampoo consumption : 10-20 grams

-Polish consumption: 10-20 grams

- Rail length: 11 meters

The device has a 2-year warranty or 40,000 washes machine (whichever comes first) and 15 years of after-sales service and spare parts supply. \n1- The machine has 3 brushes (Italian) and washes cars with a maximum height of 300 meters and a width of 220 cm, including: long chassis and short chassis - taxi vans, etc.
\r\ n2- The body of the device is made of hot galvanized in a completely industrial way, which is covered by electrostatic powder paint. r\n4- Equipped with intelligent PLC system with computer programming (Siemens Germany and Tele France mechanics)

5- With inverter inverter system (Telemechanic brand of France) to adjust the speed of the device and motion motors (Drive brand of Italy)

6- With soft start and stop system Aram (soft start & soft start) for a longer life of the brush motor when starting and when the brushes stop

7- It has a standard water filter system and a standard air filter system for a longer life of the pneumatic system of the device\r \n
8- To adjust the amount of detergent, it is equipped with an electric detergent spray pump (sprinkler system).

9- It is equipped with an electric polish spray pump to adjust the amount of wax and polish.

10- It has an automatic system for counting the number of cars washed.

11- Equipped with a water drainage system in winter to prevent the device from freezing

12- The horizontal brush is equipped with a power control system that results in better washing quality and less wear and tear. 13- It has an emergency stop system.

15- The standing touch screen system of the operator panel control

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Contact Info: Company Chariot ایلقار
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ProvinceEast Azarbaijan
Addressتبریز یک کیلومتر بعد از پلیس راه تبریز صوفیان جنب دوکال بتن ماشین سازی ارابه ایلقار
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