Company Arash Kamal novin with over 20 years of experience importing, fittings Spider, etc. سکوریت and with the commissioning of the plant for the production of laminated glass, glazed, glazing, and فریملس in the industrial zone, Shams Abad, and with the design of the shots, Spider, etc., composite materials., pottery, etc. فریملس., the curtain wall and Louvre, etc. is proud to announce that by employing staff, engineering, architectural, qualified. resume with more than 100 building commercial office in the remotest parts of the country has accomplished
(( hope in the improvement of broadcasting that our role ایفاد we ))
Glue and آلومنیوم, etc., cans, Iron, stone, pottery,
Facade Spider
• Posing, Spider, direction, building, commercial, administrative, recreational, and ... used . Structural facade Spider from stainless steel tubes or فولادیمی that fragments the so-called Spider of stainless steel 316 or 304 is formed . The glass used in the facade, consists of 2 layers of 6 mill سکوریت can be that can be used to raise security in places because the banks and currency exchange from 3 layers of 6 mill also .
Glass Spider
• Glass in Architecture today's world, our major contribution is responsible . Light. the ventilation and visibility of the key issues is that in modern architecture, the attention of the architects and users of spaces . Glass cleaning ...