Clare, How does it work?
گستره toxicity caused by chlorine, moreover, to the extent of kolari, that the person exposed to it is located, depends on, how she exposed it is located, and that over time, the vicinity of how much has now depend.
وقتی chlorine gas in contact with the tissues of مرطوبی like the eyes, throat, and lungs, and the ... acid is produced that can be used to the tissues of the harm.
علائم and symptoms of the immediate vicinity of chlorine
icon, during, or immediately after the vicinity of concentrations of risk Clare, signs and symptoms, the following may be seen:
تیرگی close
icon in the vicinity of gas, burning sensation, etc., redness and create blisters on the skin. If contact with liquid chlorine. جراحتهای skin like frostbite.
احساس burning sensation in nose, throat and eyes
تنگی chest
The breathing or short of breath. This applies to swallowing large quantities of chlorine Gas., the immediate happening and swallowing low concentrations chlorine gas, with the delay to happen.
مایع in the lungs (inflammation and swelling of the lung), which may be delayed several hours to be seen.
تهوع and vomiting
چشمان اشکبار
خس unexplained chest
مشاهده these signs and symptoms does not necessarily mean that the person exposed to chlorine is located.
آنچه that the long-term effects on wellbeing, known as
عواقب may long after breathe large quantities of chlorine to occur. Consequences more likely is that folks will be seen that the problems of the wellbeing of a strong, such as liquid, lungs (inflammation and swelling of the lungs) from your update.
Manufacturer of chlorine and sodium, with the authorization of the Ministry of Industry, mine and trade to the number ۲۴۱۱۵۱۲۸۵۳ with a capacity of annual ۱۰۰۰۰تن and supplier of chemicals and petrochemicals