In our country, Iran, the artists component-ethnic society into opposition, and colonists, جزیرهنشین. The more people, محصولهای art enthusiast. but admitted that it can be this type of تولیدها supply to the village is very low. people with artists and محصولهای هنریشان alien. Today, the distance of the breadth and depth of the more developed is the place where more artists in the community, unknown and obsolete.
This distance in the past, we more or less did not exist., the bell, the artists are very dynamic also, were always the responsibility to inform the community, were in charge.
نامهی a gift for many years which in our minds open. being artists, how can to embrace the community back in?
to achieve this aim, a gift as an excuse, sweet, we put up a platform to introduce artists to the community provided we, and by introducing and selling their creations in the world, Internet, art and artists in the country to خانههایمان bring.
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