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Furniture / university sell offers

Companies - Page ۲and Producer Furniture / university

  • Single industry

    The Manufacturing Company, single chair industry with a long history are proud to produce all kinds of chairs.


    Group of business Sohail هنرپردازان the role of Sohail تجهیز Hall, Cinema, etc. conference amphitheater, a hotel, etc., concerts, and big

    The industry's premier

    Cut the old window metal with special technology with the highest milling with the machine for this option is very it's important – the lack of noise – at least the dirty work compared to milling full – more speed with the window replacement, so far all of the customer's satisfaction ۱۰۰% have offer glass industrial gas آگون Double and triple glazing with quality A offers a variety of lace proprietary Fiberglass antibacterials pleated A variety of chairs, managerial & conference techno-system, excellent condition, sold chairs, conference

    Dorsa wood Rama

    Doing all matters related to design, run, build and decoration, administrative and clerical, manufacturing a variety of tables, management and computer

    Office partition, exquisite,

    We are in the field of furniture manufacturing and administrative activities . The main focus of the company on the production of office partition and table . The ability to produce other parts of office furniture, we have but, due to the growth of whatever بیتشر administrative offices open plan ( open office ) try to cater for the need of this type of design . Partitions and tables for Office our manufacturing to each project specifically, and due to the peculiarities of the same project are produced .

    Company گلدویژن

    Company گلدویژن of the year 82 as one of the largest anchors, specialized in two segments : consulting, design, and equip the halls of the Conference and providing the equipment related to the smart classes, educational activities,. the company is honored with obtaining the official representative and exclusive of the largest and the best manufacturers all over the world and offer the best warranty and after-sales service, the field direction of the use of new technologies in education in the country provides.  the company's Main products briefly being introduced: - video projector, acer, and sony - white SMART Board acer and IP Board - microphone conference CREATOR - system, conference hall کریتور - monitors, Smart-Touch (IP, LED, TOUCH) - a variety of curtain, screen, Visualizer, and requirements for intelligent storage ... کارشناسان experienced sales and technical company گلدویژن courses, the specialized is ready to provide services and counseling to your loved ones. باتقدیم respect the company گلدویژن from our site visit. وایت SMART Board هوشمند building schools کامپیوترهای touch screen میکروفون conference دکوراسیون conference hall نصب and commissioning of conference system میکروفن conference سیستم conference کریتور

    Furniture company, cinematic, administrative Alborz

    The company since its inception, established with the absorption of and benefit from the power of experts, etc. set a coherent and focused research in the field of manufacturing seat Amphitheater established and has always been a blend of art and technology in your agenda to put up of this process to efficiently in the production and products of your use) that the result of which was run over 2000 Amphitheater in the remotest parts of the country and abroad. Since the upgrade no product without first obtaining customer satisfaction may not be the ... after-sales services, the company seat, its manufactured with a 5 year warranty and 10 year after sale services supply. All the efforts of our partners in this company is with the use of the above features, you can pattern to use. raising the quality, observance of standards of the world, and ultimately causing the convenience of customers and employers. The hope is the donor hands to the census you are. Mr. rafiee 02634701331-2

    Company Citadel

    Group of office furniture مهیایی from 72درزمینه sale of office furniture and equipment, shelving, heavy and semi-heavy start to the activity has gotten 90 years with the Brand of the citadel in the field of production of office furniture began to work). All Office equipment with price, quality and proper supply of picks.

    Company NIKAN amout

    Company NIKAN amout in the year 1387 is registered. The company in collaboration with a group of engineers and skilled professionals as branches, architectural design and interior decoration company, building good buildings wide formed and relied on be managerial and executive members, their activity has started. Cofounder of the company, relying on experiences. databases and in the possession of the staffing expert, qualified and committed possible, appropriate to meet the needs you have provided and be able to design, management and implementation of the activities stipulated.

    Trading company Golden Android

    The Institute of trade Coordination, the Golden Android in collaboration with companies, industries, wood, metal, نوریکو, etc. Arica and the BC functionality offered and the implementation of projects of small, medium and large, with its specialist staff and expertise, etc., factories and equipment advanced, and to-day ability very high in the implementation of the optimal price, affordable the complete satisfaction of the customers, the venerable and respectable looking.

    Company decker

    Selling wholesale hair dryer Johnson JOHNSON مدل 1200 اصلی MADE IN ITALY

    Manufacturing company of office furniture البـــــرز

    Selling end of a transaction. beginning of a commitment to trust yours Manufacturer seat امفی theater and office furniture in Iran, and the exporter to neighboring countries Group manufacturing and industrial office furniture البـــــــرز as one of the largest to-date industrial complexes in Iran in the field of office furniture and conference hall and lounge, Amphitheater announced its readiness in manufacturing all kinds of chairs, Amphitheater, etc. chairs, conference chairs, managerial, etc., bachelor, Office, Show standard, with many years of experience in the field of manufacturing products and 5 year warranty and service after the sale with no time limit in the whole country, ready to cooperate and serve you. a variety of products of this industrial complex : 1 - consulting, design وتجهیز perfect venues, conferences, Amphitheater, etc. سینماو conference 2 - Production and sales, installation seat Amphitheater., the Chair of conferences, chair, cinematic, and ... chair, Auditorium etc. The Chair of the summit., the office chair, matching global standards 3 - manufacturer of chair,managerial chair, conference chair,master chair,employee chair,office chair, waiting chair,محصلی,category Tahrir, seat away,seat base,fixed jack chair To familiarize with the products and get a catalog to the address please visit our site or dial the following contact information Central office Phone : 32559831-026 Website : email : Manager : Mr. chrysanthemum 09123014934