Tops goods
Tops Kala has 10 years of experience in the field of selling home/office/gaming systems. Tops Kala is an online store. In this case, it has provided the possibility of in-person shopping for customers. The store has an electronic trust symbol \\r\\nCustomers should visit website or our Telegram channel (topskala@) to better buy and play products \\r\\nAll products It has a test and warranty period and a valid Topskala invoice. \n09102019275\\r\\n09351679799
Madiva Hard Warranty House
Khana Hard Group is active in the distribution and distribution of all types of purple hard drives for CCTV cameras.
E-commerce world
The world's e-commerce company is considering To supply quality products at reasonable prices to the market. We provide products and services to satisfy the customer.
Secure software development technicians
Aman Naji Security Software Development Company was registered in Kerman in March 2017, the primary goals of cooperating with military and law enforcement agencies in the field of computers, as well as providing data recovery services and hard disk repairs, etc. to the general public, have been hardware equipment This company includes Dolphin, PC3000 and special laminar data recovery systems and complete hard disk and SSD surgical equipment.
Bersad technology pioneers
Bersad Technology Pioneer Company has a production license in the field of computer peripherals, with the efforts of Iranian youths, it has been able to reverse engineer several types of monitor stands and laptops from a variety of world-renowned brands.
graphic card
The graphic card online store has been operating for 5 years through the Instagram page and is expanding and promoting its products on other social networks and reputable advertising sites.