Industrial Group, Kiev, Isfahan industry
Industrial Group, Kiev, Isfahan industry manufacturer and provider of a variety of accessories, pastry and bakery including dough(dough whisk)(dough) میکسر خمیر flattening pastry and bakery شکر Saab خلال now انواع cauldron تنور rotating داغ, فر pastry
Company ایساتیس ardakan
ایساتیس : preparations کنجدی ardakan. تنها sales representative in Iran . For wholesale and retail.
Company sweet wide آردین
Company sweet wide آردین in 1385 with the construction of the unit manufacturing biscuits, in Mashhad, Iran started its activities, and gradually with the use of more advanced the technology, machinery, exterior and interior, managed to produce a variety of biscuits with the best quality available. تولید the best products with the highest quality ranging from a variety of sweets, dessert, chocolate, biscuits, cakes and muffins from the experiences and records of numerous CEO's, etc., Mr. fakoor in this field of interest. ارتقاء the quality level of the food healthy and useful, the main goal of the company. بیسکویت شارمین as a unit of the Department of supervision on food in the year 1388, was that the title confirms, trying professionals شارمین to achieve the highest level of quality and health. بیسکویت شارمین because the humidity is very low. complete cooking and use of high quality raw material and quality, one of the most trustworthy food is that the percentage of corrupt getting it close to zero and is for all ages ازاطفال, elderly recommended. ایجاد employment and the circulation of capital in the manufacturing sector and the development of export manufactured products (exports) and exchange the in line with the national interests on the agenda of the perpetual Directors of the company are located.
Company of Qom rasp Persian
Qom rasp community with over 30 years of experience in the production and baking the rasp, now, be enjoying the and equipment up to date and Internet Sales plans, the pastry crisp and unparalleled in the level of Iran and the world over, from ago introduce.Address shop : قم - بلوار the Iranian regime - not the intersection of the Republic - the opposite to کوچه17تلفن : 00982532933334ارتباط with management : 09122533395
Food industry company بارثاوا
Crafts, food, rubies, Dawn Golden(بارثاوا) from the year 1382, the production and packaging of candy in the city of Mashhad, the beginning and the Tehran Office of the year 1391 has launched
Company پالمیران
Chips dates پالمیران چیپس dates پالمیران new product ومغذی that for all groups, age, useful ومقوی make consumption. This product packaging 10کیلو warmth to be marketed. از the benefits of this product can be used in addition to healthy and nutritious foods being to the المصرف being and maintain it for زمان long noted, because the product of dates, the core is a and, rice flour of high quality production, DO that this product is a good alternative instead of using sugar وشکر for diabetics ورژیم food لاغری). Of the product in addition to use with tea وشیرگرم can be used as a snack, مناسب for the guests benefit . From chips, dates پالمیران in addition to the uses above can be to bake a variety of cakes, pastries and breads, domestic and industrial use . با daily intake of just 50گرم of chips, dates پالمیران can be all the vitamins واملاح needed by the body supply.
The company makes traditional sweets of Yazd
Baklava privileged yazdi directly from the manufacturer, The name and valid street cred
Manufacturing company cotton candy شرنیک
The granting of dealers sell cotton candy yazdi شرنیک واگذاری represent the active and the Selling Agent, in the centers of provinces and cities پشمک yazdi شرنیک in closed categories and weights different دارای student Ambassador of the food and Drug Administration شماره butterfly health: 1050/35 شماره commercial registration: 161055 مزایای cotton candy yazdi شرنیک: قیمت reasonable compared to similar products, along with high profit margins for the representative of the به-effective for the consumer طعمی noble, etc. are delicious and different from the cotton candy بسته and stylish هزینه carry the responsibility of the company وزن : 250 grams. 170 g 140 g and .... تعداد per carton: 18 pcs., the 21 PCs, and 24 pcs دیگر products شرنیک باقلوا yazdi قطاب yazdi شیرینی mix yazdi لوز making پنج Luz, پنج Luz with قطاب سه Luz, ارسال sample to all parts of the country, with a call تلفن: 09138491193 تلفن manufacturing: 03515229713 جهت coordination with mobile call مسئول sale: survey آدرس manufacturing: یزد ، Blvd, navab safavi ، خ عفت email آدرس website
Company پرشیاتدبیر
Candy flavor liquid, parsis for the first time in the world باروش hydrolysis produced(has a patent number 78493)is quite industrial and without interference of the hands of unscrupulous economic عرگونه times میکروبیست دارای medicinal properties in five flavors, saffron, etc. cinnamon, cardamom, etc. citrus bigaradia, and lemon.
Now honey, by(the village of ashen's)
Manufacturing company of natural honey and organic, by benefiting from forces indigenous to the area of the village of ashen's, in the province of Isfahan, and with the use of new knowledge and modern honey production using a lab, engaged to the manufacture and supply of this product high quality one hundred percent natural and with a different therapy.