Company شالیکاران
شالیکارن plans with selected brokers, etc. product with quality and more with price more appropriate to the fellow's offer .
Company vyvna
Company vyvna the first company in the construction trailer, Mobile, with a variety of user..... ویوناطراح وسازنده home وویلای ago made باطرح, روزاروپایی وبالاترین quality . The most special views of the internal and external to ازویونا ask .اگرخواستارسبک, روزدنیاهستیدباویوناتماس call just نیازخودرابگوییدوزیباترین plan to take delivery .The most striking feature of the house, پیشساخته ضدزلزله being they وسریعترین time to build them
Company seal water Paradise
In line with the need of every set of respect to the customer and commitment to the production of mineral water and other healthy drinks and Guara, etc., mineral water, di water system, quality management ایزو9001 and ISO 22000 to fully implement and have these two show the Receive path to promote the social objective of your firmer step برداردنمود
Company lofty structures, Sahand dynamic
Activities in the field of civil and commercial
Company town industry
Machine-building power industry تولید machine filling mineral water, buttermilk, and... شیرینگ Pack, etc. more blocks and...
Company products food Bharu
This is a collection of 1382 Proceed to the export of food to neighboring countries such as Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan . Of the year 12390با construction of packaging Bahru Proceed to the production and packaging of eggs, blow job and distribution within the country and export this product outside of the country).
Now the production and packaging of honey Onyx, khvānsār
Hi, شرکت honey Onyx Agoura brand honey Onyx number ثبتی214267در 1389 officially its activities in the field of beekeeping production and packaging of honey, herbal, and pharmaceutical has begun.The company has a special significance for the medicinal properties of honey and their people. the most desirable honey, related to different areas of Iran ( honey aside.Gon.انگبین.Coriander.اویشن.Forty plant and..) it collects and under the best conditions possible under the supervision of a full health bashmarh monitoring 1-15/1210 away from any of the damage food packaging has on provide you dear consumers bedrooms. ارسال honey to all areas of the IRA� �through the post for free is. شرکت honey Onyx, representation and active player in all over the country, accepts.