Shop Avant Iran
Supply of direct and without intermediaries and products Avant on the internet
Company wairoa, medicine, alchemy
Company wairoa, medicine, alchemy, importer, fixtures, disposable prostheses and spine from Europe and Asia
Company parsis examiner
Company parsis examiner close to 10 years that in the context of the above, the best results engaged in providing services, which is no more than 1300آزمایشگاه, hospitals, health centers and ومطب private ودولتی services provided with more government agencies also contract. The company, importers, وتولیدکننده, directly and without the intermediary works and why the prices of the products much lower than the other associates, is the delusion, all the products with the Brand of the original offer میشوندو with this move, the hands of speculators jobber and fraudsters jobber that product quality وتقلبی to name the famous brands they sell, perfectly cut that has caused the centers for respectable confidently from the company parsis examiner buy./
Company, clinic, pain, and physical medicine doctor سپهریان
Clinic pain and physical medicine, offering all services غیرجراحی for the treatment of lumbar disc and neck, sciatica, etc. arthritis,