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  • Meh Mailstore

    We are living in an era where traditional markets have given way to modern and advanced markets and these modern markets have created tremendous changes in the way goods are traded. The need for these changes in the construction industry and construction materials is also evident along with other sectors. Therefore, Meh Mill Store's online building materials store has provided the necessary infrastructure so that building materials buyers can easily and with confidence of the quality and price of the goods, place their order for building materials and with quick and easy shipping, Receive their building materials. It has also provided an opportunity for construction material manufacturers to be competitively and online with the construction material consumption market and supply their products without intermediaries.

    Aref Chemical Industries

    Aref Shimi Industries started its activity in the field of wood glue in May 1368 with scientific and experimental support with the aim of creating jobs and being present in domestic and international markets. After several years and success in gaining the satisfaction of domestic and foreign customers, the company developed its products and entered the market in building paints under the Aref brand.

    Construction of Sadra Band

    The company is active in road construction and buildings and has done many road construction projects in the new city of Hashtgerd. Hashtgerd, Fashand Boulevard, Ostad Amini Street

    Arya's best design

    If you want to know more about Aria's best design consulting engineers. Read on to learn how we were able to grow our engineering services. Instagram See some of our products and information on Instagram. Follow us to see more recent information. LinkedIn Applying local knowledge and using young and energetic experts together with veterans, we have achieved many achievements Apparatus See some of our achievements on the Aparat page. Follow us on Aparat to see more recent videos. Our story Summary of company activities Arya Design Consulting Engineers was created by experienced civil and irrigation experts. The aim of providing scientific and technical services to the construction projects of the country is working in the following fields: Summary of company activities Aria Behin Design Consulting Engineers is working with experienced civil and irrigation experts with the aim of providing scientific and technical services to the country's civil projects in the following fields: 1- Irrigation and drainage Conducting studies on surface water resources and planning economic exploitation of water resources. The design of diversion dams and short dams to divert water and draw water from rivers includes: Hydrological studies to determine the appropriate location, geotechnical studies of the dam site and catchment structure, design of diversion dams and side facilities such as catchments, sediment discharge channels and fish ladders. Designing irrigation and drainage networks for lands, including: the design of transfer channels and distribution channels of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree, as well as the design of drainage channels in order to drain excess water from cultivated lands and prevent swamping or salinity. lands. Designing different types of catchments for irrigation projects, whether floating, submerged, gravity or with pumping stations. Design of ground and aerial water reservoirs for storage and injection in pressure, rain and drip irrigation networks. Designing irrigation networks under pressure in order to save water consumption for areas where water supply is difficult. Evaluation and study of existing networks and facilities, and design and presentation of corrective and improvement plans for traditional networks. Design of surface water collection and transmission networks and flood control structures. Studying and designing methods of artificial feeding of underground water tables and planning the exploitation of the mentioned resources. Designing water transfer facilities, including canals, tunnels, boxes, culverts, etc. Study and design of drainage networks in order to control the underground water level and improve the soil and wash the salty soils. Water resources exploitation planning and optimization using genetic algorithms. Study and design of water storage pools in order to increase the risk of irrigation networks with water intake from springs and seasonal rivers. Hydraulic, guidance, geotechnical study and investigation of canals and presenting improvement plans and prioritization of improvement and restoration operations. 2- Agriculture and natural resources Carrying out the study of equipping and renovating, organizing and integrating land in the private and public sector and monitoring its implementation. Preparation of plans for irrigation and drainage networks in fields and gardens

    Faraz Kachar Construction Engineering Company

    The company was registered as a special joint stock company in 2002 in Tehran province - Tehran city under the name of Pishro Behineh Sazan Pouya Company and now continues its activities under the name of Faraz Kachar Construction Engineering Company. Faraz Kachar, through his fruitful activities, using modern technology and the technical knowledge of his experienced experts, has chosen to gather in a healthy economic complex and strive for the progress and development of the Islamic homeland as his duty in the period of economic development. Which consolidates the development and progress of the country, is the effort of all members of society, especially the motivated and committed youth of the country. By attracting skilled and experienced personnel in various fields of civil engineering, facilities, roads, transportation, construction, etc., and gaining the necessary ranks in the relevant fields, with the motivation of providing wise and progressive service, they are ready to work in this border and environment. While respecting the opinions and suggestions of organizations, institutions and respected individuals in all areas of activity , This company is proud to have been active in the field of competition in many development projects of the Islamic homeland until today and has been able to leave a brilliant name in many executive bodies and consulting engineers. \ r \ n per year Recently, with the expansion of EPC and PC projects, Faraz Kachar Construction Engineering Company, understanding this issue and aiming to participate in the mentioned projects, has tried to increase its capabilities in the field of engineering and purchasing goods so that it can work with the company. Participate in major EPC and PC projects. \ r \ nCertainly, the committed and responsible cooperation of executives and the private sector with such collections and their strengthening and cooperation can be useful in building the country, so This complex, while announcing its readiness to participate in the construction of construction, installation, commercial and road construction projects, etc., expresses its pleasure from obtaining the opinions and suggestions of sympathizers and specialists.

    Founders of Modern Thought and Art

    is a service and construction company and is active in the field of false ceilings and wall coverings, etc.

    Azaran Color Welfare Company

    Company with 60 years of experience in the field of industrial paints and adhesives


    Consulting design and implementation of elevators and lifts in Yazd \\ r \\ n Reconstruction of worn elevators \\ r \\ n Design of special elevators \\ r \ \ nService and maintenance services \\ r \\ nAfter service

    Pars Mehr Tejarat Aras (Private Joint Stock)

    Pars Mehr Tejarat Aras Company is the first and only manufacturer of honeycomb panels in Iran \ r \ n We have been proud for about 30 years in the form of Novin Sazeh Javid Company with products for With their quality, we have done our best to provide services to our dear compatriots. Named \\ "Pars Mehr Tejarat Aras \\" located in East Azerbaijan - Aras Jolfa Free Zone, and by using the same former staff plus new specialized forces, we can upgrade our service level to the international level to Let's be the first Iranian factory that has the ability to produce aluminum honeycomb panels or the so-called Honeycomb panel and even has the ability to export to other countries, and we have made our beloved country self-sufficient in this regard. We are also the second largest producer of these panels in the Middle East. \ r \ nThis company has the ability to produce 200,000 square meters of aluminum honeycomb panels per year, which can supply both inside and outside the country. \ r \ Pars Mehrtjarat Aras Company has appropriate technical knowledge due to the presence of capable specialists and engineers. Therefore, it will provide services such as producing products with desirable quality, consulting on how to use and install the product and replacing this product with old and traditional products, reviewing the operating conditions of the product and providing products appropriate to those conditions, etc. \ r \ n The projects and activities of Pars Mehr Tejarat Aras Company are very impressive and promising for the national industry.

    Vision observers Alvand

    Lab, welding, concrete and soil

    Izogam Shargh Rad Company (Shirazgam)

    with 25 years of experience in the production of export izogam in the field of production and export of first-class blue primer adhesives throughout the country Isogam buyers Nitel Pars South Shiraz Electricity Phase II Industrial Sina Company located in Zarghan Assaluyeh Company Phase II Assaluyeh Gas Company Phase II Marvdasht Sugar Factory Shiraz Central Housing Bank Ramard Azad University Landeh Shahid Evini Charitable Aid Landeh Youth Charitable Aid Isfahan Al-Hadath New Town and ...

    Unique monument Zima

    Engineering company unique monument Zima with the advertising slogan \"Always and in all being right with the customer is\", with experience implementing hundreds of projects especially lsf ready to cooperate.

    Arian industry, civil engineering, Tabriz, Iran

    Design, sales and implementation structures کوبیاکس and waffles