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Hydraulics and pneumatics sell offers

Companies - Page ۵and Producer Hydraulics and pneumatics

  • Ariana hydraulic

    The company is able to produce and تاعمییر types of hydraulic pumps, manual, two categories, two-sided, single-category, and .. is the products have six months warranty is

    Company پتروناب sepahan

    Company ((پتروناب sepahan)) in the form of a joint-stock enterprise, on the design and production of equipment for the oil and gas industries, petrochemical, focused. This Set enjoys the butterfly operation in the production of valves of the Ministry of Industry, mine and trade.

    Company بایار industry Tabriz

    Engineering company بایار industry, Tabriz, Iran with the aim of supplying the essentials of hydraulics and Pneumatics has been established and is تامین manufacturer of fittings and hose, hydraulic, etc. all kinds of valve, electric pump, hydraulic gear, AND piston and کارتریجی and ... hydraulic jack, etc. hydraulic filters and system گریسکاری automatic icon, machinery, and systems, cooling unit, hydraulic, etc. a variety of couplings and breaker push-up AND many of the essentials needed anymore. تامین essentials of hydraulic and pneumatic in the Iranian market and brand that are on the market in Iran is not available. supply and commissioning of lines گریسکاری and cooling طراحی and construction unit, hydraulic and pneumatic depending on the customer's order طراحی and manufacture of melting furnace-aluminum and other non-ferrous metals کالیبراسیون types of burners, domestic and industrial

    Hydraulic company of Atlas power

    ششرکت Atlantic force, moral genius, making a variety of jacks, hydraulic tonnage 1 500 tons of activity, and now with companies tractor Urmia and Tabriz and trailer storage still trailer and Maral industry are cooperation and activity.

    Company tamachine

    Valve pneumatic Double-piston for shock . With the overall volume of the top of the shirt, Safety much . The construction of Taiwan

    Sepehr control sepahan

    Provide technical and engineering services in the field of industrial electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic design, manufacture, and open storage types of electrical panels, industrial PLC,remodeling, plumbing, and repair of all kinds of presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, types of open roll کنها big قیچیهای,industrial devices,pneumatic lines, profiles ,types of devices,injection دایکاس,extrusion and a variety devices, packaging, sharing, food, variety of cylinders(rotational.Miniature. Muscle.Typical.Without the shaft).Valves, electric and manual.Valves control the speed and Power Steering, mechanical and digital used درمدارهای, hydraulic and pneumatic types of pumps, hydraulic انواعair motorو oil motor types line of digital and consulting services in the field of industrial automation systems and robotics(related to electricity, electronics, hydraulic, pneumatic)types of traffic signs and بالشتکهای (bellow ), pneumatic تعمیر and install all types of garage doors, automatic and semi-automatic, Electric, hydraulic and pneumatic production.Reconstruction and تعمیرانواع یونیتهاوجکهای elevators hydraulic build and rebuild the system, think of the pull and push electro hydraulic & pneumatic انواع, appliances and measuring equipment, control and transfer related to the process, pressure, measure the level of liquids, to methods for measuring pressure, ترانسمیترهای pressure, with output 0 to 10 VDC and 4 to 20 mm, Studio Hi packages Studio professional models AA of the companies. valid ترانسمترهای the difference in pressure for flow measurement and liquid level Gage, pressure pressure switch, Controller, pressure, etc. and any question in the field, we ask مدیریت

    Company aria turbine Saba

    Design and build a variety of پاورپک(unit) hydraulic طراحی and build a hydraulic lift طراحی and construction of hydraulic press تعمیر systems, hydraulic

    Company ekbatan industry

    shطراحی and manufacture of hydraulic systems and industrial machines - hydraulic پروپورشنال and LCD - press - scissors and...