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- Fars
Gostar Arad Analysis Company
Gostar Arad Analysis Financial Engineering Company (Private Joint Stock Company) on 05/01/2012 with registration number 35495 in Fars Province Property and Deeds Registration Organization with the subject of providing various services in the field of finance and accounting as well as hardware sales and presentation Services related to the support related to the subject of the company and design, production and support of various financial and specialized software, holding training workshops, seminars and specialized conferences, conducting research and research in the mentioned specialized field were registered in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
Dara Novin Pasargad
Selling all kinds of TCT rotary drill and HSS rotary drill for magnet drill, radial and column drill (with conversion) with a great discount percentage in heights of 3, 5, 7 and 10 cm and sizes from 12 to 120 mm GROLLEN (Grollen rotary drill) WIKINGER (Vikinger rotary drill) RAPTOR ASTPOWER CASTELLO (Castello rotary drill) EUROBOR AGP and... Dara Novin Pasargad Company Supplier of tools and equipment for factories and industries by providing an official invoice
Parsian insurance
Parsian Insurance Company with more than 20 years of experience