Tajfar Thermal Industries Company
Tajfar Industrial Group started its activity in the field of making all kinds of cabinet ovens (rotary) and all kinds of pizza ovens and complete production lines for cakes, cookies and biscuits in 1991, and during these years it was able to Export its products to neighboring countries including Iraq, Afghanistan, Armenia and Aj coast.
Company car storage Rahimi
Car storage Rahimi, designer and manufacturer of all kinds of industrial washing machine وسیلندر stand all the automatic designs and sizes with over 20 years of experience in serving the industry, expensive, dear ! The products of the company devices TL1000 and TL1100 وTL1200 single phase and three phase for washing all kinds of machinery parts riding! And devices m1800 and m2000 وm2200 for bathroom parts, kinds of truck and road-building machinery and بازسا Zi company, railway وپالایشگاه Howe petrochemical complex in the whole country for more information, photos, or videos, or کاتولک number & 09130905014 leave a message !The national production of national pride, wish him health and happiness for all time وطننان dear ( machine-building Rahimi ) دستگاه piece washing machine / piece, stand / device-piece passion / device موتورشویی / device موتورشوی / device, engine passion /piece of passion / موتورشور / pieces Shui / موتورشویی / pieces stand / موتورشوی / car wash, industrial / car wash / pieces Shui industrial / engine washing, industrial /car washing machine / passion / سیلندرشوی / سیلندرشور
Espadan Industrial Group
Spadan Industrial Group has more than two decades of activity in the industry of producing and supplying air pumps and compressed air tanks. This company started its activity with the production and supply of air pumps and compressed air tanks from 50 liters to 8000 liters and in 2085 it entered the field of producing screw pumps and in 2086 to expand its business into the field of fire saw production. and attached industrial elevators. The goal of the company is and will be to produce products with quality and customer satisfaction in all stages.
Company سمات industry sepahan
Designer and builder of the new mill, micronized, etc. mill سپراتورها in. jet mill, separator, and کلسیفایر, pin mill, etc. پلورایزر (and auxiliary equipment, like cyclone and bag filter jet pulse )
Company industry update
Hi owners of industries نام: abolfazl heydari, age: 30 years زمینه activity: control & instrumentation HMI & PLC (Siemens & Delta) the beginning of the activity: 1386 duration of activity: 7(seven) years همراه: 09137921362 email: a_hj12036@yahoo.com website: www.sanatberooz.com خلاصه specialized in: صنعت update in about seven years, the useful work is managed in the following fields of services done and the owners of the industries in the world, the competition helped, and the healthy competitive environment will create. 1:design and programming, systems monitoring, HMI , and PLC, as requested, with features unimaginable with high flexibility and no limits in the direction of control in the best way possible in order to reduce human errors and enhance the accuracy-speed-quality-quantity and.... 2:use accessories, such as اینورتورها engines and cedar and اینکودرها in order to create speed and power variables, and calculated values such as speed-The number of round-direction-angle-size-distance and.... 3:use a variety of sensors, protective like light curtains for a variety of presses, production lines and .... And sensor types Analog, such as pressure sensors, oil, air and ... and a variety of پوزیشنرها(position یابها) and اینکودرها and valves, hydraulic, Single and multi-speed(analog) and pneumatic valves, and a variety of digital sensors such as inductive-Capacitive-مگنتی and.... And a variety of میکروسوئیج, مهمترین projects: 1:designing and programming the full line ریختگری all automatic AGM Germany includes HMI(in 13صفحه) and the PLC(about 22000سطر) and تابلوبندی and wires and trays, drawing and design into the box, innovative, along with markers, LED(control system, Siemens, Germany) 2:design and programming of a complete circuit, sand line ریختگری all automatic AGM Germany includes HMI(in 7صفحه) and the PLC(about 4000سطر) And تابلوبندی and wires and trays, drawing and design into the box, innovative, along with markers, LED(control system delta of Taiwan) 3:designing and programming the full line and circuit sand line ریختگری دیزاک include HMI(in 7صفحه) and the PLC(about 2000سطر) and تابلوبندی and wires and trays, drawing and design into the box, innovative, along with markers, LED(control system delta of Taiwan) 4:design and programming, full machine, bar, MDFشامل HMI(in 7صفحه) and the PLC(about 2000سطر) 5:coding machine, soil testing ceramic tiles with control system Siemens in 1600 rows and monitoring system Delta in a 6-Page form testing in different pressures was done. 6:modify the wiring and تابلوبندی re-use of rails and pulleys, and flat cable and remote (remote control-wireless) instead of the wire and the pulley, at 4, crane منتظر call you're
Company pump blowing
Production گمپرسور Armenian and I think piston screw, boiler, filter, absorb, water, and oil importer equipment inflatable repair all kinds of air compressor piston screw machines shear woodworking pneumatic nailer, stapler, pneumatic panels on cnc pvcتولید گمپرسور Armenian and I think piston screw, boiler, filter, absorb, water, and oil importer equipment inflatable repair all kinds of air compressor piston screw machines shear woodworking pneumatic nailer, stapler, pneumatic panels on cnc pvcتولید گمپرسور Armenian and I think piston screw, boiler, filter, absorb, water, and oil importer equipment inflatable repair all kinds of air compressor piston screw machines shear woodworking pneumatic nailer, stapler, pneumatic panels on cnc pvc09133002639
The rental company Crane
Rents a variety of cranes from 10 to 800 tons, and forklifts, 15, and 40 tons of repair ونگهداری and canvas storage crane
Company stone, and mining"
Office, engineering, stone, mining and meanwhile, with several years of experience in providing all technical and engineering services open-pit mines and underground, Rock Mechanics, and trading rocks and minerals by university graduates and experts, the official Iranian mining engineering organization, prepare the cooperation with the company, Foreign and domestic individuals and entities.
The Company Board machinery
The template storage . The car storage . Piece storage . Khrydv sale of tools, devices and equipment, industrial
Companies, industries, machine-building issues
Car storage issues ازسال1361فعالیت خودرابه management Mr. Ali issues toward providing service specialized in the field devices, packaging اغازنموده and طورمستمردرعرصه industry کشورفعال. خانواده car storage issues:PM1, etc. PM2, etc. PM3, خانواده, machinery, horizontal دستگاه horizontal packaging باکنترل mechanical دستگاه horizontal packaging باکنترلPLC دستگاه packaging باکنترل metric خطاناپذیر ویژگی technical تنظیم heat تاچهارنقطه sewing دارای system خطایاب the photocell برق220ولت وابعاد50*170*400سانتی m بدنه stainless steel قابلیتهای applied تنظیم length of cellophane, for any package انعطاف pussies, closed, categories, product types حداقل waste product وسلفون ابعادبسته categories از1تا30سانتی km تولید100محصول درحداکثرسرعت بسته categories BBW=sale sure