هیچ نظری برای این محصول ثبت نشده است
Coiled Pipe Flocculator is a coagulation device that consists of a long separating tube of specified diameter and length. The term plug-flow refers to the retention time and energy that is constant throughout all parts of the pipe, resulting in a uniform focal point with high separation. CPF Despite popular misconceptions about line clogging problems, Widely used to remove oils, emulsions, suspended solids, etc. in wastewater. Conventional and traditional flocculation tanks, which were previously used in the chemical treatment of water and wastewater, depending on the flow rate of the fluid, the retention time and the volume of the reservoir required for clot formation. Therefore, using this system for refineries with high flow rates is not and is not cost effective. CPF has solved this problem and has accelerated clotting. The residence time in the CPF is usually less than half a minute. The effluent flows through the flocculator pipes to the pre-designated points for coagulation injection. The appropriate length to calculate the exact location of the injection sites of different coagulants for each project is calculated exclusively in the CPF. The coagulant is injected into the input portion of the CPF where the plug flow conditions are flowing. Total mixing occurs in less than 5 seconds. The coagulant is injected exactly at the predetermined points, providing optimal reaction settings and the formation of stable flocs gradually over the entire length of the pipe flocculator. This device lacks the need for power and parts It is mobile, and uses the turbulence of water from the pipe network to mix chemicals with the flow. This design eliminates the need for mixing tanks and motion mixers, and the process is defined under highly controlled conditions with the help of static pipe mixers used in the system. Advantages • Precise and controlled injection of poly Electrolyte • Minimum retention time • No rotating equipment such as conventional flocculator • PH adjustment, coagulation and flocculation in one unit • Requires less space • Lack Foam and foam problems • Create a clean and odorless environment • No maintenance or need very little maintenance • Low implementation cost • Very low depreciation • Capability Used in high flow rates
Applications Waste treatment of paper industry, oil industry, food industry, slaughterhouses, chemical industry, cosmetics industry, dairy industry, petrochemical industry, canned fish, lubrication, Soap making and pre-treatment for industries with high turbidity wastewater To achieve discharge standards
For more information, please call 44971428-44971432-44967934-44978576-44972798-44978693-021 engineering unit . or to the link http://bsoco.ir/content/Coiled-Pipe-Floc culator
نام | باتاب صنعت اوژن |
شرکت | باتاب صنعت اوژن |
تلفن | ۰۲۱-۴×××۱۴۳۲ |
وبسایت | http://bsoco.ir/ |
کشور | ایران |
استان | تهران |
آدرس | استان تهران،شهر تهران،اتوبان ستاری،ابتدای پیامبر غربی،پلاک 106/2،ساختمان مهستان،واحد20 |