Production of women's pants

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  • ۵ سال

Production of women's pants

Production of women's pants Production and distribution of all kinds of women's outer sports comfort pants Wholesale of all types Brass shirt, sponge tunic, padded bra, gas bra bra, Lambada shirt, Padar shorts, T-shirts, Blouse pants, T-shirt pants, T-shirt shorts, shorts, blouses, top shorts, sweatshirts, hoodies, slash, support, leggings, tops, sundresses, shorts, T-shirts, beachwear, sneakers, tonics, etc. ....

Fabrics Yarn, viscose, cotton, lacquer, dorsal, fluff, fine texture, flamenco, span, melange, crepe

Attention distributors of clothing, boutiques and online stores, and masons and home distributors of cheap stores, peddlers, auctions

Major production and distribution of women's clothing

Manufacture of clothing It is designed for you dear colleagues according to the seasonal situation.

Look at the prices and models and then judge for yourself, you will experience the lowest price guarantee in Iran only with Ariana Turk

We will give you this guarantee Compare our prices and then buy

The lowest prices from us Ask Ariana Turk Distribution with more than 16 years of experience in importing clothing and producing clothing is ready to provide services to you dear colleagues. It is 2 hours and will be sent to all cities within 24 hours

and for more coordination with the management of Mohammad Mohammadi collection or contact the office

Address: Tehran-Jomhory Square Towards Navab Safavi Highway, South, Abdullah Zadeh Alley, No. 32, Ring 1

Contact number: Mohammad Mohammadi

09129220495 02166904335

"Women's pants production, pants production, distribution of comfortable pants" 0102030405 "

اطلاعات تماس: تولیدی پوشاک آریانا ترک
ناممحمد محمدی
شرکتتولیدی پوشاک آریانا ترک
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آدرستهران بازار بزرگ تهران بازار عباس اباد پایین تر از ال یاسین پاساژ المهدی 4 همکف ورودی اول پلاک 368
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