مدارک مهندسی مورد نیاز جهت احداث نیروگاه chp و DG و CCHP و تولید پراکنده و مولدهای مقیاس کوچک

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مدارک مهندسی مورد نیاز جهت احداث نیروگاه chp و DG و CCHP و تولید پراکنده و مولدهای مقیاس کوچک

این شرکت توانایی تولید تمامی مدارک زیر را به طور کامل دارد:

1Electrical document  Basic design • Equipment Data Sheets and Technical Specifications. • P&I diagram for the system. • Calculations for cable sizing according to the Site Conditions. • Power distribution scheme. • Controls, instrumentation, alarms and protection scheme and write up. • over all key single line Diagram (Detail Design) • MV switchgear single line Diagram • Main LV switchgear single line Diagram • MV switchgear data sheet • LV switchgear data sheet • Main transformer data sheet • Aux transformer data sheet • Generator NGR data sheet • Generator protection&metering&synchronging Single line diagram • Load flow & short circuit study • MV & LV cable list • Battery charger & ups single line Diagram • Battery charger & ups data sheet • MV switchgear logic diagram • LV switchgear logic diagram • Single line diagram of generator metering & protection. • Dimensional layout and sectional drawings for the complete scope of work (including pipe and cable layout). • Schematic and wiring diagram of Battery charger. • Dimensional General Arrangement Drawing of various equipment along with Cross - Section and bill of material. • Layout and mounting arrangement of battery. • Any other drawings/document deemed necessary by the Employer. • Generator curves and characteristics. a) O.C & S.C Characteristics. b) \"V\" curves. c) Reactive capability curves. d) Generator transient and sub-transient reactance. e) Generator losses, fixed and variables. f) Communication non-interference test curves. g) All other necessary curves for the generator, exciter, AVR and auxiliaries. • Characteristics curves for Pumps and Natural Gas Engines. • Where ever applicable Speed Vs Torque Curve of the pump corresponding to recommended mode of pump starting, superimposed on speed Vs torque curve of the motor corresponding to 80%, 90% and 100% rated voltage. • Selection of D.C. battery and charger rating. • Calculations for net electrical output at site after deducting power consumption of D.G. auxiliaries. • Write-up on specific features of equipment, if any. • Control Philosophy for whole the power plant including Grid interconnection. (SCADA System) • Other Data and Documents required for proper and on time completion of the Contract but not mentioned hereinabove.

 After award of contract and during the Project Engineering Phase detailed design • Final version of all data/drawings/schematics/calculations as specified above. • Arrangement of generator phase and neutral terminals. • Wiring diagram of local control panels, D.C. battery charger etc. • Relay setting calculations for generator relays. • Any other drawing/document/data deemed necessary by the Employer. a) Write up on operation, control and monitoring of D.G. plant. b) Cable interconnection diagram and cable schedule. • To be submitted for Approval (A)/Reference (R) and Subsequent Distribution:  Transport/shipping dimensions with weights, wheel base detail etc. (R)  Terminal arrangements of Generator (A)  Rating and Diagram Plate (R)  Cable Interconnection Diagram and Cable schedule (R)  Drawings of major components like starting system, fuel system, local control panel etc. (A)  Detail manufacturing and supply schedule (A)  Power distribution scheme (A)  Controls, instrumentation, alarms and protection scheme and write up (A)  Write up on Voltage regulator and governor (R)  Single line diagram of generator metering & protection (A)  Preparation of dimensional electrical layout of DG electrical building and sectional views showing disposition of electrical equipment, arrangement of cable trays/ cable rack in cable spreader room and also interconnection with respective DG set and Grid Interconnection. (A)  Schematic and wiring diagram of Battery charger (A).  Dimensional General Arrangement Drawing of various equipment along with cross - Section and bill of material (A).  Layout and mounting arrangement of battery (A).  Generator curves and characteristics as mentioned in “Generator curves and characteristics” above.  Where ever applicable Speed Vs Torque Curve of the pump corresponding to recommended mode of pump starting, superimposed on speed Vs torque curve of the motor corresponding to 80%, 90% and 100% rated voltage (R).  Selection of D.C. battery and charger rating (A).  Calculations for net electrical output at site after deducting power consumption of D.G. auxiliaries and for DG sizing.  Write-up on specific features of equipment, if any (R).  Arrangement of generator phase and neutral terminals (A).  Wiring diagram of local control panels, D.C. battery charger etc.(R).  Relay setting calculations for generator relays (R).  Any other drawing/document/data deemed necessary by the Employer (R).  Write up and logic diagram on operation, control and monitoring of D.G. plant (R).  Any other relevant drawing or data necessary for satisfactory installation, operation and maintenance (R).  Other Data and Documents required for proper and on time completion of the Contract but not mentioned hereinabove.

2 Mechanical document

  1. Engine document 1.1. Adjusting, trouble shooting, testing 1.2. Contamination control guidelines 1.3. Disassembly and assembly 1.4. Operation and maintenance manual 1.5. Parts identifications 1.6. schematic 1.7. specifications 1.8. tool operating manual 1.9. torque specifications
  2. Gas Engine stack calculation
  3. Gas Engine stack arrangement
  4. Gas Engine cooling system calculation
  5. Gas Engine cooling system p&id
  6. Gas Engine cooling system arrangement
  7. Gas Engine cooling system arrangement
  8. Gas Engine cooling system equipment data sheet
  9. Gas Engine cooling system piping plan
  10. Gas Engine cooling system piping MTO
  11. Gas Engine cooling system piping isometric
  12. Gas Engine natural gas piping plan
  13. Gas Engine natural gas piping MTO
  14. Gas Engine natural gas piping isometric
  15. Gas Engine ventilation system calculation
  16. Gas Engine ventilation system p&id
  17. Gas Engine ventilation system arrangement
  18. Gas Engine ventilation system equipment data sheet
  19. Gas Engine Mechanical installation details 3 Civil document 1 Civil Design Criteria 2 Structure Design Criteria 3 Drainage Design Criteria 4 Specification For Earth Works 5 Specification For, Storm Sewer And Oily Water Sewer 6 Specification For Fencing & Gates 7 Specification For Gravel Paving 8 Specification For Reinforced Concrete paving 9 Specification For Asphalt Concrete paving 10 Specification For Excavation, Trenching And Backfilling For U-G Utilities 11 Specification For Concrete Works 12 Specification For Fabrication And Erection Of Steel Structures 13 Specification For Base Setting & Grouting Of Equipment 14 Specification For Anchor Bolts 15 Specification for Building 16 Specification for fireproofing 17 Typical Drawing For Fence & Gate 18 Typical Drawing for Anchor Bolts 19 Typical Drawing for Hand Rail 20 Typical Drawing for Ladder 21 Typical Drawing for Stair 22 Typical Access Platform 23 Typical drawing for fireproofing detail 24 Typical drawing for Roads 25 Typical drawing for Oily Water & Domestic Sewer Manhole 26 Typical drawing for Catch Basin 27 Typical drawing for Valve Pit 28 Typical drawing for Cable Trench & Duct Bank 29 Typical drawing for Surface Drainage Ditches 30 Typical drawing for Concret Paving 31 Typical drawing for Underground Crossing 32 Typical Details for Architectural Drawings 33 Topographical Plan 34 Soil Investigation Report 35 Rough Grading Longitudinal & Transverse Profiles 36 Finish Grading and Surface Drainage Plan & Section 37 Electrical &Intrument Cable Trenchs Plan & Section 38 Civil Composite Plot Plan 39 Foundation Location Plan 40 Landscape Plan & Details 41 Drawing for Pipe Supports 42 Calculation Note for Pipe Supports 43 Architectural Drawing for Power House Building 44 Structural Drawing for Power House Building 45 Foundation Drawing for Power House Building 46 Calculation Note for Power House Building 47 Architectural Drawing for Control & Administration Building 48 Structural Drawing for Control & Administration Building 49 Foundation Drawing for Control & Administration Building 50 Calculation Note for Control & Administration Building 51 Architectural Drawing for Workshop and Store Building 52 Structural Drawing for Workshop and Store Building 53 Foundation Drawing for Workshop and Store Building 54 Calculation Note for Workshop and Store Building 55 Architectural Drawing for Switchgear Building 56 Structural Drawing for Switchgear Building 57 Foundation Drawing for Switchgear Building 58 Calculation Note for Switchgear Building 59 Architectural Drawing for Gate Keeper Building 60 Structural Drawing for Gate Keeper Building 61 Foundation Drawing for Gate Keeper Building 62 Calculation Note for Gate Keeper Building 63 Architectural Drawing for Fire water pumps shelter 64 Structural Drawing for Fire water pumps shelter 65 Foundation Drawing for Fire water pumps shelter 66 Calculation Note for Fire water pumps shelter 67 Foundation Drawing for Gas Engine Generator Set and relevant Auxiliaries System 68 Calculation Note for Gas Engine Generator Set and relevant Auxiliaries System Foundation 69 Foundation Drawing for Diesel Generator package 70 Calculation Note for Diesel Generator package Foundation 71 Foundation Drawing for Transformers 72 Foundation Drawing for Fire water pumps 73 Calculation Note for Fire water pumps Foundation 74 Foundation Drawing for Fire Water storage tank 75 Calculation Note for Fire Water storage tank Foundation Foundation Drawing for Other Equipments

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