Consulting services in DG, CHP ,CCHP Solar WIND POWER PLANT Scheme and Design

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Consulting services in DG, CHP ,CCHP Solar WIND POWER PLANT Scheme and Design

This Company offers technical consulting services to support a wide range of industry including product developers, Energy Certificate of operation and Construction gas and Solar Power plants in Iran. In Iran for starting a new plant you must take a few confirmations from some organizations and ministries like Niroo ministry( and SATBA( Organization and Environment Protection Organization( This task may take a long time for a foreigner company or person but we can do these proceedings in minimum time. Some of our received Confirmation from government organizations in iran , are in this page: We can do designing and Construction projects in power plant field like gas and solar plants in iran . We propose you creation of bitcoin farm and power plant for producing electricity to minors .

اطلاعات تماس: شرکت اهرام فناوری آذرخش
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آدرسخ ستارخان روبروی برق الستوم-پلاک 790
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