بمبو-sampler -بمبوگندم

  • بازدید: ۲۱۹۶
  • بروزرسانی: ۱۴ اسفند ۱۴۰۳
  • انقضا: دوشنبه ۰۸ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۴
  • آخرین ورود : ۱۴ اسفند ۱۴۰۳
  • امتیاز: ( تعداد امتیاز ها: ۱ ) ثبت دیدگاه
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بمبو-sampler -بمبوگندم

One of the most important cases in the field of buying wheat and seed samples from them. Samples of the wheat seed and corn or Navan operation of the granular materials needed to a means that there is a very detailed and used very easily. hence, engineers, experienced and expert company, adak wairoa scholar proceeding to the design and construction of the sample vector, wheat, or بمبو wheat of different genders and in ابعادهای different have بمبو or sampler of wheat in the size of 1/5 meters and بمبو 2متری (sampler, wheat 2متری)-بمبو 1/85 cm(sampler 1/85 cm) All بمبو possible, made of brass or stainless steel -, stainless steel, brass or aluminum extruded with the steel, have

بمبو, the tip of the spear, a very short sampling of the car, or silo. Also بمبو tablets transition in dimensions 2متری and بمبو tablets transition in dimensions 2/5 yards also available بمبو sack, and also for sampling the horizontal with the lowest, creating a gap of sex, all stainless steel, the design is very special and has the category rubber and the possibility of withdrawing a sample from انته and the possibility of tying the bag to the end, and the possibility of tying the bag to the end, it can be found بمبو sack بمبو 2متری بمبو 1/5متری بمبو brass بمبو aluminum Price بمبو brass

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