Specification of Company jewel print

  • Company registration date: 2006-03-21
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities : producer
  • Place: Province Tehran
  • In the field of: Printing and Packaging
  • Company Type: Private
  • View: 1573
Company Description
The largest center of printing and reproduction, digital types of optical discs CD - DVD - Mini CD

جواهری print with 11 years of brilliant history is proud with experienced personnel, machinery to-day, and the shining you in the field of printing and duplicating the CD / DVD will aid you.

هدف satisfaction and fulfillment you.

استفاده of the best citrus in the world to print more quality, faster and stronger.

هرگونه similarity with other categories outside of the responsibility of the company's industry ( from the use of the name and reputation of the management of this collection in other collections, fake is) ( please read carefully please)

جواهری print utilizes the latest methods of printing and reproduction, optical discs, etc. with accuracy and high speed are ready to cooperate with all organizations and companies across Iran.

- utilizes a printed method, RGB - SRGB

- no restrictions on the variation of order

- the possibility of sampling ahead of print

- precision printing 300 DP

امروزه one of the most important foundations of a successful business is advertising.

هر size valuable product or service valuable. as long as it is to others, the introduction of Do not, etc. job done.

یکی of attraction the most, and the best ways to advertise, the use of Cd and DVD advertising can be that of any booklet, etc. brochure and Catalog printing is more attractive and has been plus the fees lower. High potential in the provision of information and taking advantage of text, sound, image, video, animation, music, links, and thousands of the capability of the other software show the super power of this media.
سی DVD promo in different sizes, along with printing labels, layout, logo and ID, your company, best promotional gifts and marketing tools and information days the world in order to supply in exhibitions, seminars, etc. send to the customer, etc. in addition to this, in a world that its natural and forest destruction is in the consumption of paper, save him?

ما also your this share know, and with the use of Android and enough experience in the field of production and print CD, print DVD, print, mini CD, wassy, card (CD, Name Card) is proud to announce the launch of that not-first center, but from متعهدترین centers, print and produce all kinds of tablet with the Brand Name \" jewel print\".
CD|DVD|mini CD|mini DVD|free CD|free DVD|CD cover,|, envelopes, CD|cellophane Cd and...
Print a variety of Cd and DVD, frame, etc., CD, cover, CD, mini CD, mini DVD

Contact information
Tel+98 1-3×××9723callMake Call
Mobile+98 912×××4592callMake Call
AddressTehran, Republic Day of garden sepahsalar, No. 119 integrated steel واحد14