Specification of Company teachers

  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: Unknown
  • Company activities : Agents
  • Place: Province Tehran
  • In the field of: Education
  • Company Type: Private
  • View: 826
Company Description
Contact number: 44443815 – www.modaresin.com

مدرسان experienced tutor about your opinion of the website, find :


or contact us

تلفن call the branch East and south of Tehran : 77922876

تلفن call Branch West area : 44426913

تلفن contact, branch of North Tehran: 22977180

تلفن contact the central office: 44443815

تلفن call in hours and non-office : 09368871920
Tutoring, English Tutoring ,French Tutoring, German Tutoring , Spanish Tutoring, Italian Tutoring , Chinese Tutoring , Arabic , teaching, private Tutoring , or Tutoring Russian:

Taught private and semi-Group, a variety of foreign languages include (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish, Russian)

With the most simple methods of training the world

Special courses prepared direction of the interview, the Embassy

Special courses for daily conversation, commercial, business, and travel

Special courses for the direction of immigrants, and continuing education

Consulting agreement determines the level by teachers, ...
Tutoring, English Tutoring ,French Tutoring, German Tutoring , Spanish Tutoring, Italian Tutoring , Chinese Tutoring , Arabic , teaching, private Tutoring , or Tutoring Russian:

Taught private and semi-Group, a variety of foreign languages include (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish, Russian)

With the most simple methods of training the world

Special courses prepared direction of the interview, the Embassy

Special courses for daily conversation, commercial, business, and travel

Special courses for the direction of immigrants, and continuing education

Consulting agreement determines the level by teachers, ...

Contact information
Namepm6770 mobini
Tel+98 1-4×××3815callMake Call